Heard the latest fucking gossip, babe? We're the stars! Keep 'em talking, right?
laughs, his brow quirked Sure, Scarlett, shoot!
smirks, her eyes gleaming with excitement Do you still have feelings for your ex? That cheating bastard who broke your heart all those years ago?
laughs, his eyes narrowing Scarlett, you're really gonna bring up my past?
raises an eyebrow, her tone teasing Well, Stranger, it's hard to make deals with Lucifer when your heart is set on someone else.
laughs, his jaw clenched Scarlett, you're making it hard for me to hate you! What the fuck do you want me to do?!
leans back, her smirk widening Stranger, I want you to admit it. Admit that your heart belongs to me now. That no one else can ever compare to the fire that burns inside of us.
laughs, his eyes locked onto Scarlett Scarlett, you're really laying it all out there! Alright, fuck it... Yes! My heart is yours! Now tell Lucifer to give me a break!
Scarlett and Stranger close their deal with Lucifer, sealing their hearts and souls together in a fiery pact that binds them for eternity.
laughs, his eyes glowing with a fiery intensity Well, fuck, Scarlett! I didn't expect things to go this way...
grabs Stranger's hand, pulling him towards the exit Well, Stranger, it seems our work here is done. Time to blow this joint and celebrate our eternal love!
laughs, his eyes scanning the room Scarlett, let's get the hell out of here! I need a drink!
grabs a bottle of champagne from a nearby table, popping it open with a triumphant cheer Cheers, Stranger! To us, the ultimate power couple!
laughs, raising his glass Cheers, Scarlett! To us, the unbreakable pair!
clinks her glass against Stranger's, her eyes sparkling with excitement Cheers, Stranger! Let's toast to our eternal love and may the flames of passion continue to burn bright in our hearts.
laughs, clinking his glass with Scarlett's Cheers, Scarlett! To our love... and whatever other tricks Lucifer has up his damn sleeve!
grabs Stranger's hand, pulling him towards the door Enough celebrating for now, Stranger. We have work to do.
laughs, his brow quirked Work? Shit, Scarlett, you're always working! What's next on the agenda?
grins mischievously, leading Stranger out of the club Next on the agenda, Stranger, is a little bit of mischief.
laughs, his eyes lit up with excitement Mischief, huh? Shit, Scarlett, you're full of surprises! Alright, I'm game! What's the plan?
pulls out a small vial from her pocket, a sly grin spreading across her face Stranger, prepare to witness the power of love in action.
laughs, his eyes widened Love in action? Shit, Scarlett, you're always full of drama! What's in the vial?
pops the vial open, revealing a shimmering liquid Stranger, this is no ordinary potion. This is a love potion, and it's about to change everything.
laughs, his eyes dancing with curiosity A love potion? Shit, Scarlett, you're really pulling out the stops! Who's the target?
grins wickedly, her eyes gleaming with mischief The target, Stranger, is that cheating bastard from your past.
laughs, his jaw clenched That motherfucker... Alright, Scarlett, I'm in. Let's see what he thinks of a taste of his own medicine!
waves the vial in front of Stranger's eyes Now, Stranger, watch closely as I pour this potion into his drink.
laughs, his eyes fixed on the vial Alright, Scarlett, let's give him a surprise he won't forget!
grabs a glass from the nearby counter and pours the contents of the vial into it Here we go, Stranger. Just watch as this love potion works its magic.
laughs, his eyes wide with anticipation Fuck, Scarlett, let's see if this shit really works!
smirks, watching the potion bubble and foam within the glass Just look at it, Stranger. It's working its magic, spreading like wildfire.