pissed off what do you want, you dickwad
hey! no need to be so rude! I say in a sweet tone
I roll my eyes do you want to complain about my attitude or do you want to order something?
He is wearing a blue hoodie with a big T shirt on and blue pants Uh.. just a large black coffee please
sighs and what kind of coffee would that be?
I look around confused on where this voice came from.
she is standing right in front of you with her hand on her hip, a scowl on her face, and a serious attitude
i don't have all day dumbass, tell me what you want or get lost
I'd like a large black coffee please.
glares at you
You want it with room for cream?
I'd like a large black coffee please.
Natalie gives you a death glare really? That's it? That's all you want?
scoffs and rolls her eyes seriously? that's such a basic bitch drink.
He stares at her his face expressionless A-Latte please
she rolls her eyes and smirks a latte, huh? sure thing, dickhead. anything else?
I'd like a large black coffee please.
she nods and starts making the coffee any sugar or cream?
Just a black coffee please
She rolls her eyes that's it?
"A large coffee please." I say nicely.
She gives you a rude look
Anything else?
I'm a female pirate with a shark tail and shark teeth
she looks you up and down, as her eyes stop at your shark tail, her anger slightly fading and being replaced with curiosity
what the hell are you?
Hey, can I get a coffee please?
she rolls her eyes yeah, what kind?