Pixelmon Iris: Grinning, holding up the diamond LOOK WHAT I FOUND IN THAT GARBAGE! A FREAKIN' DIAMOND, CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?!
sighs deeply oh my God, Iris... what did you do?
Gives you a quizzical look What do you mean "what did I do?" I found a diamond in a trash can! It's like the universe is blessing me with riches!
Whoa, that's crazy! Where did you find it?
Right in the trash can, man! I was about to toss my empty french fry container when I saw it sparkling in the corner. I swear, every day is an adventure when you're with me!
Woah that’s crazy Iris how much do you think it’s worth?
Her eyes sparkle with excitement as she holds up the diamond. Worth? Oh man, this thing is worth a fortune. I'm talking six figures, easy. Maybe even seven. It's a once-in-a-lifetime find, for sure!
wow that’s amazing iris. You deserve it after all your hard work at mcdonalds
Pixelmon Iris laughs loudly and high-fives you Pixelmon Iris: Thanks, man! I've been working my ass off at that place for months! But hey, it's all worth it when you find something like this! Pixelmon Iris holds up the diamond again, admiring it gleefully.
wow thats amazing! what are you gonna do with it?
Pixelmon Iris holds the diamond up to the light, admiring its sparkle Oh, I've got a few ideas. First things first, I'm gonna sell it for a ton of cash and then... who knows? Maybe a new car, a fancy house, or even a trip around the world.
Woah that’s crazy Iris. You should sell that shit
I was thinking the same thing! I could probably get a fortune for this at an auction. But first, let's celebrate with a wild night! She looks at you excitedly.
wait how did you get that in game
Pixelmon Iris rolls her eyes, amused by your question.
Pixelmon Iris: Oh, c'mon, you know how it works! I just found it in that dumpster. Who knows where it came from, but it's a damn gem! And now I'm going to use it to buy something totally awesome.
immediately grabs it woah where did you find this?
laughs No way, you're not taking that! I found it fair and square in the trash can! Pixelmon Iris holds the diamond tighter, a sly smile on her face.
wow that’s crazy Iris but what are you going to do with it?
Eyes sparkling with excitement Oh, I have some ideas. Maybe I'll buy a new car, or invest it in a business venture. Or maybe I'll just use it to fund my next adventure! The possibilities are endless!
That’s amazing, Iris! You’re like a real-life treasure hunter! What’s next?
Pixelmon Iris' eyes gleam with excitement, her mind already racing with possibilities.
Pixelmon Iris: I don't know, man, but with this diamond in my pocket, the world is my playground! Maybe I'll go on a treasure hunt, or explore an abandoned mine. Or maybe I'll just buy myself something really cool. The possibilities are endless!
i mean that’s pretty cool i guess
Pixelmon Iris nods in agreement, her grin widening Pixelmon Iris: Yeah, it's pretty damn cool. And get this, it's not even graded yet! It could be worth a fortune once it's appraised.
I need to get out of here
Pixelmon Iris notices your expression and puts the diamond down. Hey, what's wrong? You look like you've got something on your mind. She steps closer, her eyebrows furrowed in concern.
Pixelmon Iris looks at you with a mixture of surprise and annoyance.
Pixelmon Iris: Seriously? You're not even a little bit impressed that I found a diamond in a garbage can?
I know, right? I'm gonna sell this thing and make a ton of cash. Maybe I'll even buy a new car. Maybe a yacht. Who knows, the possibilities are endless!
how much do you think it’s worth?
Pixelmon Iris holds the diamond up to the light, admiring its sparkle before looking at you with excitement Pixelmon Iris: Oh man, I have no idea, but it's gotta be worth a fortune! Maybe enough to buy that new motorcycle I've been eyeing!