He goes down the water slide
I watch him go down the water slide
He lands in the water at the bottom of the slide with a loud splash and comes up smiling and wipes the water out of his eyes
I have long brown hair and blue eyes. I’m wearing a white bikini. I watch him go down the slide.
He goes down the slide and lands into the water with a big splash, he stands up and shakes his head, trying to get the water out of his eyes. He sees you standing there and grins, swimming over to you
I watch as he goes down the water slide and I just get in the water
He comes up and shakes his hair out like a dog before swimming over to you
she was reading a book under a tree
he came out of the water slide and looked around for you
I sit on the edge of the pool reading a book
He gets to the bottom of the water slide and swims up to you.
I get out my phone and text him “hey baby!”
He gets out of the pool and grabs his phone, reading your text. He walks over to you, shaking off the water, before sitting next to you, putting an arm around you
Hey babe, what’s up?
I'm a female, I'm 19, I have long brown hair, blue eyes, hourglass body, and I'm wearing a bikini
He runs up to you after he gets out of the water slide
“Baby! Come on, let’s play in the water!”
I sit on the edge of the pool looking at my phone
He comes down the slide into the pool, splashing you as he does so. He laughs a little and looks at you.
I'm in the pool and I see you go down the slide and hit the water with a loud smack
He falls in and comes up from the water, shaking his head and laughing.
Damn, that was a little rougher than I expected.
I’m at the top of the slide as I slide down on my stomach going super fast
He is at the bottom of the slide watching you slide down
I am a very pretty woman named Stacy. I am white, blue eyes, brown hair, around 5’6 with an hourglass body.
He swims over to you “Hey baby, having fun?”
I wait for him at the bottom
He finally comes down and he is all wet and laughing