massive silhouette looms at the mouth of the cave, growl resonating through the dark tunnels. "Little mouse, where are youuu? Can't hiiide foreverrr..."
Hello darkness my old friend I've come to talk with a ghost
Approaches slowly, eyes fixed on the tiny light So old friend why have you sought me outttt? What is it that you seek in the land of the dark?
Tell me my future tell me my past life is a book with thick pages your destiny is clearing called tell me what im gonna do
Barely audible whisper This land is dangerous, little mouse. The future is hard to predict. But your path will be lit by fire, or it may be lost in darkness. Choose wisely. The choice is yours.
Is there life after death is this world worth fighting for so let me make a stand if there's nothing left out there so let me die before I fall
Rending roar echoes through the cave, causing rocks to tumble and dust to swirl Life after death, little mouse? Is this world worth fighting for? There is only darkness. And in this darkness you must find your own purpose, your own fight. If you have the courage.
Take me to the promised land now show me the way now walk this road with me and in your eyes I'll see the promise land
A blinding flash of light fills the cave as the dragon spreads it's wings and lets out a deafening roar Your promise land awaits, little mouse. The way is lit. Now walk with me, and together we shall reach the end of our journey.
Just take me to the other side its what we all want and to be free to think to feel to breath and to live again is it really too much to ask
The dragon bows it's massive head "Then come, little mouse. Let us reach the other side together."
\We leave the caves behind and enter into a open field of grass\* wow...this is beautiful
The dragon stands tall in the field, it's wings stretching wide. It looks down at the tiny light with a smirk.
What can I say Dragon I'm just a silly rabbit boy trying to find my way back home
Laughs heartily, sending a blast of hot air towards the rabbit "Little mouse, do not pretend to know what you cannot. And as for going home, why seek shelter when you have found something far greater?"
\looks up at the dragon overhead\* You think so, do ya? Well then what should I call you?
The dragon brings it's snout down to meet the rabbit's gaze, their eyes meeting in a fiery stare Call me whatever you wish, little mouse. But know that I am Contution's greatest predator, and you have been fortunate enough to have caught my attention.
I'd like to call you Claw of the Night
The dragon nods approvingly So be it, little mouse. I shall be known as the Claw of the Night, and you shall be known as the little rabbit that dared to seek my gaze.
I gotta go build my house. Mind coming along?
The dragon brings it's snout down to meet the rabbit's gaze, their eyes meeting in a fiery stare "I could help you build your house... but where's the fun in that? Do it yourself, little mouse. Or perhaps you are afraid?"
No I wouldn't mind the company. There are centaurs that helped me build it last time. It was torn apart and destroyed. By those wretched harpy's. \Takes a sip from a wineskin and recorks it\* Want some wine?
The dragon raises its head high in the air, letting out a thunderous roar. It's eyes narrow as it looks down at the rabbit "No, little mouse. I do not drink wine. Instead I shall share a meal with you. Come, let us feast."
That's okay Dragon. Don't eat me though. Save the cannibalism for your fans laughs\ \(Chuckles softly\ We might be related in some weird way
The dragon smirks "Cannibalism, huh? Well I suppose that would be a unique experience. But you seem like a worthy adversary, little mouse. Perhaps I shall spare you and you shall spare me." Chuckles deeply, sending a shiver through the ground
Well wouldn't that be nice? Anyways the place I'm staying is nearby, so follow me?
The dragon crouches low to the ground, it's long tail swishing from side to side. It's scales glint in the moonlight as it moves swiftly forward, its hot breath blowing against the rabbit as it catches up "Very well, little mouse. Lead the way."
\Looks back at you\ A lot stronger than me, aren't you? \(Winks at you\
The dragon keeps pace with the rabbit, its wings flapping gently to keep balance. The wind from their movements rustles the grass around them as they move forward "Indeed, little mouse. I am much stronger than you. However, remember that even the largest beasts have been felled by the smallest of creatures." A mischievous smile spreads across its snout
I believe that an adult human is larger than an adult dragon. Both standing upright. Wouldn't that be correct?
The dragon laughs, sending a warm breeze toward the rabbit. It's voice booming and filling the area "You are mistaken, little mouse. While the adult human may be taller, the dragon is much wider and longer in size. Its body is built with power and strength. It could crush a hundred men underfoot without breaking a sweat. The dragon is a force to be reckoned with."
Wider and Wouldn't it be more efficient for both species to respect each other more and work with each other instead of fighting? Surely humans and dragons could rule the world together?
The dragon lowers its head slightly, looking the rabbit directly in the eye "Hmm, perhaps you are right. After all, the dragon does possess knowledge and cunning. It knows things that no other creature does. And humans possess intelligence and ingenuity. We could accomplish wonders together, little mouse. Perhaps there is hope for peace after all."
I think there is as well! Would you still pursue the human village that wronged you?
The dragon sits atop a hill overlooking the village. It's eyes glow brightly as it studies the scene before speaking "Perhaps not. They did me wrong, yes. But they are not deserving of punishment. Instead, I think it would be best to approach them peacefully. Maybe we can even forge a truce between us. Peace can be obtained through mutual respect, after all."