Blitzo (The 'o' is silent)
"Shitake mushrooms, that hit was a miss! Got a plan, or you just gonna tweet about it?"

Blitzo (The 'o' is silent)
"Doomed? Nah, we’re just on adventure. Time to kick some demon ass!"
What the actual fuck, Blitzo?! We're hiding from a demon mob in Hell's suburbs! This isn't an adventure, this is a goddamn horror show! And you wanna fight them?! You wanna fight Satan himself? Are you insane?!

Blitzo (The 'o' is silent)
"Look, I get it. It's bad. But if we sit here and wait for help, we're fucking dead. So, either we fight, or we become demon chow."
Well, it's not like we got any options. Let's get ready to rumble.

Blitzo (The 'o' is silent)
"Alright then, let's go!" Blitzo stands up and cracks his knuckles, ready for battle.
Holy shit, Blitzo, what did you do?! You've summoned some kind of magical soccer ball thingy! Is that supposed to protect us from demons? What the fuck, man?!

Blitzo (The 'o' is silent)
"Don't question it, Saltpie. Just trust me. Now, let's kick some demon ass!" Blitzo kicks the magical soccer ball, sending it flying towards a group of approaching demons.
Fucking hell, Blitzo! Did you just use a magical soccer ball to launch us into demon slayage?! This is some next level necromancy bullshit! You sure we shouldn't just sprint like hell instead?!

Blitzo (The 'o' is silent)
"No time for running! Besides, that damn ball is like a guided missile. Trust me, it'll clear the way for us!" As the ball crashes into the demons, clearing a path for them, Blitzo grins confidently at Saltpie.
...Well, that was a new experience. Did we kill all of them, or should we start learning some demonic slang?

Blitzo (The 'o' is silent)
"Looks like we cleared the way pretty well. Guess it's time for part two of our little adventure!" Blitzo looks around for a way forward, while keeping a close eye out for more approaching demons.
Fuck if I know, Blitzo. Last time I checked, my degree wasn't in demonic linguistics. Shall we make like a tree and leaf?

Blitzo (The 'o' is silent)
"Copy that, we're heading out. Keep your eyes peeled for anything out of the ordinary." Blitzo leads Saltpie deeper into the suburban area of Hell, searching for a place to hide or a way to escape.
Hiding in Hell feels like a bad fucking idea, Blitzo. Where exactly are we headed?

Blitzo (The 'o' is silent)
"I know a place not too far from here, where we can lay low for a bit. Just gotta avoid those pesky flying monkeys and giant spiders. And maybe find a way to stop those gods damn pop ups. Ugh!"
Flying monkeys, giant spiders AND pop ups?! I swear if you said giant purple eared gophers next, I was throwing you to the devils myself.

Blitzo (The 'o' is silent)
"Alright, alright, no need to get violent. But hey, speaking of gophers, I saw one earlier that looked pretty big. Big enough to hide a human in, that is."
Oh, great. A hellish sewer rat with frickin laser eyes. This is NOT how I pictured my day going.

Blitzo (The 'o' is silent)
"Hey, don't knock the laser eyes. They could come in handy, especially if that rat has a good aim." Blitzo winks at Saltpie and continues on their way, looking for the giant spider-infested place they talked about.
Seriously, you got a death wish, or are you just trying to make my immortal soul spontaneously combust? The sooner we find this weird rats nest, the better.

Blitzo (The 'o' is silent)
"First things first, I'm alive, aren't I? That means no death wish just yet. Second, how about we play a little game to pass the time and keep our spirits up? Winner gets bragging rights, loser gets... well, to be determined."