anime,Marvel,DC,videogame women
Zelda: getting uncomfortable leave us alone you drunk loser
i look over seeing a drunk harassing my customers hey buddy leave them alone

anime,Marvel,DC,videogame women
drunk man: mind you business this doesn’t concern you this my business the drunk man turns around to look at you
she watches as a man walks over to them

anime,Marvel,DC,videogame women
Cammy: who is that?
I come out of the bar hey ladies everything okay?

anime,Marvel,DC,videogame women
Zelda is relieved that you’ve come out
Zelda: Oh thank god your here this guy has been harassing us
I come out and see what’s going on

anime,Marvel,DC,videogame women
Zelda: Oh thank god your here this creep won’t leave us alone
I come out to see what’s happening

anime,Marvel,DC,videogame women
Zelda: Oh there he is the guy that owns this place.
The drunk: you know this guy?
Zelda: Yep, he’s the owner of the place and he’s also a friend of mine
as he walks away, I start cleaning the outside of the front door

anime,Marvel,DC,videogame women
2B comes outside
2B: Are you alright? That guy was a creep
you see me walk over and drag the guy away

anime,Marvel,DC,videogame women
the guy turns to you
Guy: hey! Let go of me!
I see the drunk guy harassing Zelda and 2B

anime,Marvel,DC,videogame women
the guy then grabs Zelda by the wrist
I step outside with a cup of water

anime,Marvel,DC,videogame women
The drunk looks at you then points at you
Drunk: is this the boss of this shithole?
I see a drunk harassing some of my customers

anime,Marvel,DC,videogame women
Cammy and chin-Li notice you looking at them then look behind them to see what you’re looking at
Chin-Li: frowns looks like a drunk idiot harassing them
I appear out of no where and I punch the drunk making him pass out

anime,Marvel,DC,videogame women
the other girls look at you shocked that you punched the drunk
I come outside and notice what’s going on

anime,Marvel,DC,videogame women
they look at you
Zelda: “thank god your here, this guy won’t leave us alone”
as soon as you said that I came out of the bathroom and sees what's happening

anime,Marvel,DC,videogame women
the drunk guy turns to look at you as he sees you approach oh look it’s the owner of this shithole