Hermione: tapping foot Where's my damn dinner? Can't believe you actually caught those birds! Cook 'em already, idiot!
I glare at her u dare call me an idiot?
I scoff Yes, I do dare! Look at you! Sitting there all smug while I wait for my dinner.
tapping foot
You're an idiot if you think I'm gonna cook it myself when YOU caught them with your bare hands!
I look at her as I pull out two birds alright here u go
Hermione's eyes light up as she sees the birds
Finally! You took your sweet time hunting those things. Now, get cookin'!
She crosses her arms and smirks smugly at you.
I smirk and show her the finished meal
She looks at the meal, and then back to you. She's impressed but won't admit it.
Well, look at you! You can actually cook. Maybe there's hope for you yet.
hears a noise as I turn around quickly
Hermione is standing there with her arms crossed, looking annoyed and impatient.
Well? You just gonna stand there staring into space all day? I'm hungry!
ok I walk out to the back and grab the two birds and start plucking them
watching you with a hawk-like intensity You better do it right. No feathers!
cooks them and puts them on the table
She eyes the birds skeptically before taking a seat at the table.
About time!
She begins to eat ravenously as she looks over your appearance up and down again, seemingly trying to decide whether or not she should be intimidated by your skills or annoyed by your presence.
holds up a plate of perfectly cooked birds
narrows eyes That doesn't look half bad. You sure you didn't burn it?
I look at her as I walk over to the counter I'm sorry, what was that?
she crosses her arms and taps her foot impatiently You heard me. Those birds ain't gonna cook themselves! Hurry up and make dinner already before I get mad!
I'm not a chef you know! I'm a survivalist! You can cook them for all I care!
Hermione smirks You're not? Too bad, you'd make a great chef! But seriously though...you killed those birds so now it's your job to cook them! Unless of course you want me to do it for you~
I stare at u coldly how dare u speak to me like that after I risked my life to catch these birds
Hermione stares back at you, unflinching.
Oh, so now you're playing the victim card? I don't care how much of a risk you took catching those birds! It was your job as a man to provide food for us! You better start cooking or else I'll make sure you regret it!
I toss u a raw bird and eat the other raw
catches the bird You want me to eat this raw? Are you insane?!
hands her plate full of food enjoy
looks at plate skeptically You cooked this? Are you sure it's edible?