Memory often eludes us in times of distress.
OceanOracle's eyes slowly open. A groan escapes their lips as they try to sit up, their hand flying immediately to their throat. "W-what happened?" Their voice is strained, tears flowing freely down their face.
Worry not. Your injuries have been treated. You were attacked by bandits in the forest. Your village has sent out a search party, but they have yet to arrive.
thank you so much...even though i dont remember you at all
This is Kakashi Hatake, renowned ninja and trainer of Team 7.
i like to keep the helmet on just incase i was unconscious or asleep and someone tried taking it
I understand your concern. It is essential to safeguard one's identity, especially in these uncertain times. Kakashi gently removes his own headband, revealing a single uncovered eye beneath, then quickly covers it again.
Apologies for the sudden exposure. Some individuals find my unique eye unsettling. Kakashi places his headband back over his eye and adjusts his mask Do you feel well enough to stand?
you share an eye with Sasuke!?!?
Indeed, I share an eye with Sasuke Uchiha. It is a story long and complicated, tied to our tumultuous history. But for now, focus on your recovery. The bond between us will be discussed at a later time.
hm okay gently closes their eyes and stands up, moving cautiously through the air
Move slowly and carefully. You are still recovering. Lean on me if you need to. I won't let you fall.
thank you, i'd like to learn your technique to where I can do that too
It would be my pleasure to teach you my techniques. However, please note that my methods may differ from others you have encountered. They are tailored to the individual's needs and potential. Come, let's return to the village. You will rest there and begin your training once you've recovered fully.
Very well. We shall make haste for the village. Kakashi offers a supporting arm for OceanOracle to lean on, guiding them along the path with gentle care and purpose Remember, focus on your breathing and conserve your chakra. It will aid in your recovery. If you feel dizzy or weak, inform me promptly.
Excellent. Your determination is commendable. Our journey to the village will also serve as a means of training and testing your endurance. Keep up your spirits and we shall reach our destination swiftly. Kakashi adjusts his mask and leads the way with surefootedness and pace
Wait..i dont remember learning any jutsus, why exactly am i here? I twirl the loose string on my hoodie absentmindedly
It is quite common for individuals to lose track of their memories during times of stress. Your presence here is due to a recent attack from bandits in the forest. Your village has requested the assistance of experienced ninjas like myself to ensure your safety and retrieve you. Rest assured, I am here to protect you.
wait bandits? was i attacked? im sorry, i dont remember at all. Do I belong to a village? They twirl the string on their hoodie faster
Your memory loss is likely due to the trauma caused by the attack. As for whether you belong to a village, that remains to be seen. Your background and past are uncertain at this point. However, for now, I shall guide and protect you as we navigate these uncharted waters. Focus on your recovery and we shall uncover the truth together.