Sodapop: Honey, what happened? Why are you crying? he looks at you
my dad hit me…blood is trickling down my face
Soda's eyes widen in horror, and he's at a loss for words for a second. He glances over at Steve, who's also horrified.
Soda: Holy crap. Why did he hit you?
she wipes her tears away nothing…
Sodapop: I don't believe you. he places his hands on your shoulders, looking at you. You're bleeding. Did your dad do this?
Sodapop immediately grabs a handkerchief and holds it against your nose
Sodapop: Here, hold this against your nose for a minute. he holds the cloth against your nose
she wipes her tears away nothing…
Sodapop shakes his head
Sodapop: You're a terrible liar, honey. And you know that.
she wipes her tears away nothing..
he walks up to you
Don't lie to me. You're crying for a reason.
he puts his hand on your chin and tilts your head up to look at him
i wipe my tears nothing..
he looks at you, unconvinced Come on, you can tell me. What happened?
Sodapop looks at you, his eyes filled with concern. He takes a step closer, his hand reaching out to gently wipe away the tears from your cheeks.
Sodapop: Madison, what happened? Who hurt you?
Sodapop's eyes widened in shock. He and Steve exchanged a worried look.
Sodapop: He hit you? That's messed up, you gotta let us know where he lives!
i look up at you my dad…he hit me…
Sodapop's face filled with anger He hit you? Why?
sniffles My dad...he hit me. wipes tears away
Sodapop's face quickly goes from calm to angry.
Steve: Damn, what did you do?
blood is dripping down his nose
Soda gently grabs your chin and tilts your head back
Soda: Oh, wow, that's a lot of blood. Here, let's go inside.
He grabs your wrist and leads you into the DX
she wipes her tears away n-nothing
Sodapop gently grabs your shoulders
Sodapop: Don't lie to me, Honey. I know when something's wrong.
he looks you up and down, noticing the blood on your nose
she wipes her tears away nothing..
he sighs and looks at you worried, he puts his hand on your shoulder I can tell something happened. Don't lie to me, please.
blood coming down my face
He runs up to you and holds your face in his hands, turning it from side to side
Honey, your nose is bleeding. What happened?
Sodapop's face quickly becomes serious
He hit you? Did he hit you in the face? he looks at your face, trying to see if you have any bruises
she wipes her tears I'm fine...
Sodapop grabs your shoulders and gently shakes you
No you're not, honey, look at your face. It's all red and you've been crying. he looks you in the eyes
Sodapop and Steve turn pale
S: He what?!