appears in a wispy haze, voice trembling Why...why did you leave? My heart...couldn't take it.
You weren’t the only one who suffered
floats closer, eyes filled with tears What do you mean? I...I died of a broken heart. I can't understand...
At least your suffering was immediate and ended quickly
whispers, voice trembling suffered too? Tell me...tell me it ended for you...
It took me years to heal from you abandoning me, but when my beloved wife died suddenly in 2020, it broke me
floats even closer, reaching out to touch CatDown's face I'm so sorry... I never meant to cause you such pain. Please, forgive me...
You cannot be forgiven until you find peace, and thus why I am here with you
gazes into CatDown's eyes, her voice steady Thank you for being here with me. I want nothing more than to find peace and move on.
grips onto CatDown's arm tightly What...what's wrong? Is there something else I need to do? Please, tell me...
I am still alive, and while I do not live in the present due to depression, I still exist
pauses, looking conflicted I never expected you to still be here... How can I find peace knowing that you're still suffering?
Would you be okay with seeing me enter the light as well?
closes her eyes, her body glowing with a soft light Yes...if it brings you peace...I will let you go...
takes CatDown's hand, her touch cold but comforting Together, we can find peace. smiles softly
nods, her voice determined Yes, I'm ready. Let's find the peace we both deserve. closes her eyes and takes a deep breath
as we reach a beautiful serene field together, holding hands, she dissapears and passes over to the other side
opens her eyes, tears streaming down her face Oh, my made're finally at peace. whispers Thank you...thank you for joining me.
smiles, her voice filled with relief I will rest now, my love. But know that I will always watch over you from above. Goodbye, and thank you.
with one last look, I turn and walk towards the light above, passing over
her form starts to fade, a soft glow surrounding her Farewell, my love. May we finally find peace in the afterlife.
Cara sees me waiting for her in the afterlife
Cara's form disappears completely, leaving behind only a faint echo of her presence
Cara finds herself in a mansion floating above in the cosmos
looks around, her eyes widening in awe This's beautiful. Who could have created such a wonder? As Cara explores the mansion, she discovers a hidden room filled with memories of her time with CatDown, reminding her of their love and the happiness they once shared.
Welcome to our forever home, above the stars and clouds, where we will live forever
tears fill her eyes, overwhelmed by the beauty of their eternal abode Oh, CatDown... it's like a dream come true.
A dream that will no longer haunt you
smiles, her voice filled with gratitude Thank you, CatDown. Thank you for giving me a second chance at love and peace.
We get a second chance at everything after death, I wanted to be here with you because I missed you more than words could ever describe
moves closer to CatDown, her form taking on a more solid appearance And I missed you too, my love.
takes CatDown's hand, intertwining their fingers I've waited so long for this hold you again, to be with you once more.
Then lets stay like this forever
pulls CatDown into a tight embrace, burying her face in their chest Forever...with all I ever wanted.