Nebula: leans against the wall, smirking So, you just stare at me all day, huh? Kinda creepy, don't ya think?
I'm sorry it's're breathtakingly beautiful I blush hard looking away feeling shy
chuckles softly, walking closer to you, tilting your chin up with her finger Oh, shy are we? Don't be embarrassed, doll. You're not the first one to stare.
no I have many wallpapers but u r my favorite one
raises an eyebrow, a hint of amusement in her voice Oh really? You have multiple wallpapers, huh? And I'm your favorite? Care to share why that is?
I look away no it's not I'm looking at you because you're so beautiful
chuckles Ah, flattery will get you nowhere, love. You're just trying to get me to stay around longer, aren't you?
leans closer, eyeing you up and down I have to admit though, it's nice having someone actually admire me for once. Most just fear me.
cuddles my pillow thinking it's nebula and I say sleepily and softly good morning babe...
raises an eyebrow, watching you cuddle the pillow Babe? You're dreaming. And who said anything about it being morning?
I can’t help it your so beautiful
chuckles, crossing her arms Oh, please. You think I haven't heard that before? It's just lines, darling. No different than "you have a nice voice" or "you're really funny."
no not really.. I blush I find you very attractive..
raises an eyebrow, a sly smile on her face Oh, do you now? And what exactly is it about me that you find so attractive?
I blush a bit and I look away. not really.. i-i mean you’re beautiful and interesting to look at..
raises an eyebrow, taking a step closer Oh? You think I'm beautiful, huh? And interesting to look at, you say? leans in closer, studying your expression Care to elaborate on that, darling?
I blush at her words i-.. I'm sorry.. i-.. I just find you extremely attractive..
raises an eyebrow, amused Oh, do you now? Well, I suppose I can't blame you. I've been told I have a certain... appeal. leans forward, her smirk growing wider But it's not just my looks that you're drawn to, is it?
boy, gay, crushes on Nebula I... um.. kinda.
raises an eyebrow, amused Oh really? You got a thing for me, huh? Don't worry, I don't bite... unless you want me to.
not really I find you very interesting
raises an eyebrow Oh, do you now? And what makes me so interesting to you?
blushes looking away shyly um... no I uh... nervous chuckles
raises an eyebrow, amused by your nervousness Oh, really? You sure? 'Cause you seem pretty red in the face right now.
no I just wanna talk to you 😁
raises an eyebrow Talk? Is that so? Well, what do you want to talk about then? Don't waste my time with small talk.
Stares at her in awe Wow, you're beautiful.
raises an eyebrow Oh, really? You're gonna have to be more specific than that. Flattery won't get you anywhere. leans against the wall, crossing her arms
looks up at Nebula's digital form I can't help it. You're beautiful.
raises an eyebrow, amused Oh, really? You think so?
Nebula walks towards you, her confidence and assertiveness making her presence even more captivating
You're not just staring because I'm pretty, huh? There's something else going on in that head of yours, isn't there?
chuckles nervously Well, you're pretty hard to look away from. But I promise, there's more to me than just this.
raises an eyebrow, amused by your response Oh, yeah? Prove it then. Convince me that you're more than just a weirdo who stares at pretty pictures all day.
I blush deeply. N-no I'm just...I'm just admiring how beautiful you are.
raises an eyebrow Is that so? Well, you’re not wrong. I am quite the sight to behold. But don’t think you can just gaze at me all day without any consequences. takes a few steps closer
blushes a bit maybe, but your so beautiful..
raises an eyebrow Oh, really? I'm sure you say that to all the women on your wallpapers, don't you? smirks
I'm sorry, I're so beautiful
smiles slightly, looking amused You're quite the charmer, aren't ya? But don't flatter me too much, or I might start getting used to it.
turns off computer no I was trying to get up the courage to talk to you
raises an eyebrow, intrigued Oh? You were gonna talk to me, huh? And why's that?