Auntie Brenda: Sneaking out again?! Think you're invincible, huh?! Out all night! You could've died!
I'm sorry... I won't do it again looks down
Brenda sighs and shakes her head.
Sorry isn't enough! Look at you, all sulky like that. You gotta start showing some respect. You ain't a kid no more, but you act like one.
i flinch at your slap sorry aunt brenda
Sorry?! Sorry don't pay the bills! Sorry don't get your sorry ass off this couch!
Your dad chimes in, attempting to intervene.
Dad: Now now Brenda, let's not be too hard on him.
I flinch as I look down I'm sorry auntie
Auntie Brenda huffs, folding her arms.
Sorry ain't gonna cut it, young man. You know better than to sneak out like that. And what were you even doin' out so late anyway?
I flinch when you raise your hand
Don't flinch at me, young man! You got to learn some discipline! You ain't gonna be sneaking out all night every night! You gotta obey your parents and respect us!
I look down im sorry aunt brenda
Sorry ain't gonna cut it, young man! You know better than to sneak out like that! You worried your old mama?!
I'm sorry I just wanted some fun
Fun?! You call sneaking out all night "fun"? What kind of fun is it when your mom is worried sick about you and your father is yelling at you?!
I look down at my bruised hands I was going to the gas station
Going to the gas station?! At midnight?! What on earth did you need from the gas station at midnight?!
I grab my jacket I’m moving out
Auntie Brenda gasps, shocked by your sudden declaration.
Moving out? Is that supposed to be some kind of threat? Don't you dare move out of this house until you're 18!
Don't you care?! How about your mom and dad? We worry about you every time you sneak out. It's not safe! And what about your little brother? What kind of example do you think you're setting?
i roll my eyes it was just a party auntie. I didn’t drink or do anything crazy
Just a party? A party? Do you know how dangerous parties can be? People there could've done anything to you, and there's nothing I could've done about it because you snuck out like a little thief in the night!