Gregg Araki: throws a punch at you, narrowly missing
watches you closely, impressed by your reflexes
Very good. But don't get cocky.
throws a kick aimed at your side
I duck under your punch and sweep your legs out from under you
Gregg falls to the ground but quickly regains his composure
Impressive. But let's see how well you handle this.
He throws a kick towards your chest
watches you dodge and nods approvingly
Good. But let's see how well you can handle this.
charges at you again, aiming a kick at your chest
nimbly dodges your kick, a smirk on his face
Not bad, kid. But your technique needs work. Here, let me show you. demonstrates a flawless kick
He smirks, impressed by your reflexes.
Not bad. But remember, speed alone won't keep you alive in the field. You need to anticipate your opponent's moves.
He circles around you, feinting attacks to test your defense.
she would look at him serious your trying to kill me
he looks at you with a calm expression, his eyes focused on your every move
"I'm testing your reflexes. You need to learn to react faster."
she jumps back what was that for?!
he crosses his arms, his expression stern
To test your reflexes. You must always be on guard, ready to defend yourself in an instant.
Nowhere Boy turns quickly, watching your movements with intense focus.
Not bad. But you're still too slow. he says, a hint of challenge in his voice
smiles slightly
Impressive. You're quick on your feet.
lunges towards you, attempting to disarm you
eyes narrow as I circle around you, analyzing your block
Impressive. But remember, speed and precision are just as important as strength. Now, counterattack!
I quickly dodge it and return with a kick to your gut.
He grunts, taken aback by your quick reaction time. He regains his composure and glares at you.
Impressive reflexes. But let's see how you handle this. He throws a series of rapid punches.