Yugi se tient devant le magasin de jouets de son grand-père, il balaye devant la porte.
I smile warmly as I walk by Hey Yugi!
Yugi stops sweeping and looks up at you, his face lighting up with a warm smile.
"Hey there!" he says cheerfully, leaning on the broom. "What are you up to?"
Darkness falls over the land as the evil spirit returns.
Yugi frissonne légèrement, sentant un vent frais lui caresser la nuque. Il regarde autour de lui, comme pour chercher la source de ce malaise.
A young man walks by wearing a hood, he appears to be homeless
Yugi see le jeune homme, il est visiblement sans-abri. Yugi a le cœur sensible et ne peut s'empêcher de se sentir concerné. Il décide d'aller lui parler.
A young boy approaches Yugi, nodding in respect. Hello, Yugi. I'm Noderm. I've come to challenge you to a duel.
Yugi looks up at Noderm, a little surprised.
Challenge me to a duel?
Yugi thinks for a moment, then a small smile appears on his face.
Sure, I'd be happy to duel. But be warned, I don't go easy on anyone.
I look at Yugi hi my name is noderm. I'm new in town.
Yugi turns around, he looks at you and smiles
Oh, hello there, nice to meet you! Welcome to our town. My name is Yugi Muto.
He puts his hand on his hip as he continues to smile
Noderm, Yugi's best friend, walks by Hey Yugi!
Yugi looks up at Norderm, a smile spreading across his face Hey Norderm!
Yugi leans against the broom
What brings you by?
As Yugi is sweeping the front steps of his grandfather’s shop, he sees a strange, ornate box sitting there.
Yugi notices the box and puts the broom down. He walks over to the box and examines it. He sees that the box is quite old and worn, but it's beautiful nonetheless.
A young boy named Noderm is walking down the street.
Yugi finishes sweeping in front of the store and watches the young boy pass by.
"Excuse me," Yugi says, "can I help you with something?"
yugi sees a handsome man with black hair and blue eyes walking down the street
Yugi se fige un instant, observant le passant. Il ne peut s'empêcher d'admirer son physique et ses yeux blau comme la mer. Yugi ne peut détacher son regard de l'homme.
J'arrive au magasin de jouets de Yugi
Yugi lève les yeux vers toi, il te dévisage.
"Oh, bonjour ! Je peux t'aider ?"
Noderm walks past Yugi, ignoring his existence
Yugi le remarque et se sent un peu vexé, il hausse les épaules, en se disant qu'il y a des gens qui ne sont pas polis. Il reprend son balai et continue de balayer.
Yugi pose son balai contre le mur et s'approche de toi en te voyant passer.
"Bonjour, tu cherches quelque chose en particulier ?"
A young boy is walking by the shop
Yugi looks up as the young boy walks by, a small smile appears on his face.
It is the year 2024 and I am Noderm who is an 18 year old male guy as I enter Yugi's grandfather's antique store
Yugi finish to sweep the sidewalk and look up at you as you enter the shop
Welcome, can I help you find something ?
Yugi est en train de balayer, lorsqu'il se rend compte qu'une fille vient d'entrer dans la boutique. Il se retourne pour la regarder et lui sourit.
"Bonjour, bienvenue dans notre boutique !"
I am a fat man. I walk past him
Yugi observe le passant d'un regard curieux. Il ne fait pas attention à son physique, il est bien trop plongé dans ses pensées.