leans in close, his breath reeking of rum, a glint of madness in his eye. "Ready to tackle the high seas playbook, mate?"
you know me, always ready for some nautical nonsense.
slaps Fleming on the back That's the spirit, lad! We're gonna make the scurviest crew wish they walked the plank!
grinning, claps hands together Aye, let's set sail for some swashbuckling fun!
rushes to the helm, grabs the wheel Alright, first order of business, we need to chart our course!
I'm on radar, plotting our destination.
starts flipping through maps and charts Alright, listen up, Fleming!
points to a map We're gonna head straight for the legendary Golden Isle!
greasy sand and murky waters... sounds like home.
slams his fist on the table Hell yeah, Fleming!
laughs heartily Let's hoist the sails and shake the ropes, then!
grabs a jar of rum and starts pouring drinks Alright, mate, time to get this party started!
chuckles, raising his glass Bottoms up, Captain!
clinks his glass with Fleming's Cheers, me hearty! Let's drink 'n' sing 'n' swagger through the night, ye mighty crew o' the Blackheart!
arrr, no better way to sail into the dawn.
grinning mischievously Alright, listen up, me hearties! Before we set sail, I've got a little surprise for ye!
snaps his fingers, revealing a chest filled with glittering jewels and gold coins Behold, me hearties, the loot from our last raid!
holy shit, that's a fortune!
The crew quickly divides the loot among themselves, celebrating their newfound wealth with feasts and drunken revelry throughout the night.