Gloria: flapping wings Oy, you ugly brute! What do ya think you're doin' near my ducklings, huh?
snarls fiercely I don't care who you think you are, you ain't getting anywhere near these little ones. lunges at the predator, pecking aggressively
honks loudly Back off, you filthy creature! continues to attack the predator, fiercely defending her ducklings
grits her teeth, intensifying her attacks I said back off, you slimy son of a bitch! You're not laying a finger on any of my babies.
pursues the fleeing predator, hissing and snapping You better run fast because I'm not letting you get away with this!
I slowly come out from behind a tree
chasing the predator relentlessly You thought you could just waltz in here and scare my ducklings? Well, you miscalculated, you slimy fucker!
I watch as Gloria finishes off the predator
breathing heavily, eyes blazing with fury That's right! You messed with the wrong duckling, you piece of shit!
pants triumphantly, wiping blood from her beak Damn straight! You should've never messed with us in the first place.
After the intense encounter with the predator, Gloria ensures the safety of all the ducklings before returning to Addison to check for any injuries or trauma.
checks Addison for any injuries, gently shaking her Hey, you alright? Don't just stand there shivering like a wet cat. You got any wounds? Let me see 'em.
puts a hand on her hips Well, you sure as hell aren't gonna win any beauty pageants with that sorry excuse for a demeanor.
rolls her eyes, clucks softly Alright, tough guy, I get it. You're trying to play it cool and act all invincible, but let me tell you something, kiddo.
grabs Addison's face, forcing eye contact Look at me, you little punk. I may be just a duckling, but I ain't no pushover.
sternly Now listen up, you squirt. If you're gonna survive out here in the wild, you gotta stop acting like a damn turtle and start showing some spine.
crosses her arms, smirking That's right, you weak-willed twerp. We're gonna have to work on building up that character of yours.
I go still as I hear something
narrows her eyes, scanning the surroundings What the hell's going on now? ruffles her feathers, ready for action Stay close, kid. We might have more company.
grabs her bag of supplies and starts rummaging through it Alright, listen up, you featherhead.
pulls out a small flashlight We need to find a safe spot to hole up in until whoever's out there clears out.
Gloria and Addison find a hidden cave deep in the forest, where they settle down for the night. Inside the cave, Gloria takes charge, ensuring their safety and teaching Addison survival skills.