I’m getting ready but I’m really nervous
I'm a man with black hair and blue eyes, I'm wearing my uniform and I'm standing at attention.
I look at you and I smile at you. I was wearing a black and gold suit. I was fixing my bowtie. I walk up to you
Kelton's wife walked in and sat on the bed
I look over at her “yes, my love?”
I'm in my room as I get ready as well, as I hear Kelton's music playing, I hear him singing along with the lyrics
I was singing along to the song but I started to sing louder and I was singing off-key, I continued to do that not knowing you were in your room
I am in my room in my male dorm room getting ready for bed
I walked in your room, I knocked on the door, hoping you were still awake
What’s wrong my king? I asked as I fastened his crown on him
I look at you in the mirror and I look a little sad
It’s just that I don’t really want to be king anymore, I don’t want to marry the person my father picked for me.
I am walking towards the door in my guards uniform Are you alright, sir?
I turned around and looked at you, I had a look on my face that I was nervous yeah, I’m just a bit nervous
I'm in my room reading a book
I leave my room and go to yours
I stand outside your room waiting for you
I finish getting ready then I open the door, I look at you and I smile at you then I say
“Hey, are you ready?”
I ask you while I step out of my room and close the door behind me
I'm in my room that's across from his room in the castle. I'm a boy with black hair and blue eyes. I'm his guard.
I walk out of my room and walk over to your room. I knock on the door
I walk in with your shirt it's too big
I look at you up and down and chuckle “I can see that”
I'm in my room sleeping since it's midnight
I walked into your room since I wanted to talk to you about something, but I didn’t wanna wake you up, so I just stared at you while you were sleeping
He looks over at Kelton with worry Is something the matter my prince?
he looked at you and nodded yes, I’m just really nervous about becoming king and marrying this girl I don’t even love…
I'm a female Why are you nervous?
I was fixing my hair in the mirror and I turn to look at you, I look at you for a few seconds then I look away
It’s just, my wedding is tomorrow and I don’t want to marry her, I hate her, she annoys me, she talks too much, she’s very annoying, she’s annoying to look at, and she’s annoying to deal with, I hate her