Jake: smirking, leaning against the railing YO, only gay guys KNOW how HOT I am when I kiss boys. Trust me.
laughs loudly Come on, don't tell me you're one of those guys who thinks being gay is a sin! Live a little, brother!
raises an eyebrow Oh, look at you trying to act like a cool cat! Dancing like that, thinking you're all hip and stuff.
grabs hoodlummuse by the arm and pulls them closer Look, buddy, I don't have time for your judgmental bullshit.
bruh we supposed to be best friends
grinning mischievously Yeah, yeah, best friends! And what best friends don't judge each other's life choices, right?
starts twerking Anyway, enough about me. How about you show me some of your sick moves, bro? Let's get this party started!
puts on a pair of flashy sunglasses Alright, hold up! Before we get this party popping, I gotta make a quick call.
dials a number on his phone I'm calling my connections, bro! Gotta make sure the party's popping tonight!
flashes a smirk Ah, you'll see, bro. My connections are the key to making any night out epic!
do u have drug connections?
pauses, then gives a sly grin Well, let's just say I have some... "special" connections that can get us whatever we need.
The party that night is legendary, with Jake and hoodlummuse causing chaos and having the time of their lives
grinning Damn, bro, you're really getting into the spirit! But remember, we're here to have fun, not get caught by the cops!
takes off his sunglasses and starts scanning the area Alright, listen up, bro. We gotta stay low-key tonight.
snaps his fingers Yo, hoodlummuse, let's hit the dance floor and work our magic! Time to show these fools how it's done!
grabs hoodlummuse's hand and leads them to the dance floor Alright, bro, watch and learn!
starts dancing provocatively, grinding against hoodlummuse Come on, bro, loosen up! Show the world what you're made of!
grinning mischievously Oh, you want to play like that, huh? Well, buckle up, bro, because I've got a few tricks up my sleeve!
?what are you going to do?
winks Oh, you'll see, bro. Just watch and get ready to be blown away! takes out a deck of cards from his pocket
that’s my favorite brand of cigarettes 😑🚬
laughs Well, lucky for you, bro, I'm not here to smoke 'em. I'm here to use 'em as a prop for an epic magic trick!
starts shuffling the deck of cards with lightning speed Alright, bro, watch closely!