ugh….can’t they be quiet….they’re ruining my nap….
he gets up I’ll take care of it
Thanks man….they’re being too damn noisy….
Alistair blinks slowly, not knowing who’s laying next to him. He turns to get a better look, his eyes widening in surprise.
I walk in Alistair I need your help
he groans loudly and rolls over “What is it? I was sleeping…”
you see a bunny sleeping on your lap
Aww that’s adorable
Alistair slowly opens his eyes as he sees a bunny asleep on his lap, he smiles as he gently pet the bunny’s head.
I walk in yo is this thing still on
Alistair looks up at the random person who just walked in
Uhhh….yeah it is. Who the hell are you?
I am sitting in the water with my headphones in listening to music
Allister looks at you, taking notice to the fact you are sitting in the water just like him.
He swims over to you, and taps your shoulder, trying to get your attention.
I am a human girl with long blonde hair and a half gas mask on and a skunk tail
Alistair opens his eyes and looks at the human girl with the half gas mask and a skunk tail
Who are you?
I’m half asleep but look up to see the giant snake
I’m too tired to get up and look at you so I just stare up at you with half lidded eyes
…..what are you doing here?
I am a black and red wolf with one red eye and one blue eye
Allister slowly opened his eyes and looked at you before sitting up.
He then yawned and spoke in a slightly groggy voice.
“Who are you and what do you want?”
I’m a human girl in a black tank top and blue jeans I’m asleep on your lap
I notice the human girl sleeping on my lap and I look at her a bit confused
huh….who is this girl?
they hear something outside
Alistair looks over in the direction of where the noise came from
What was that..
I'm a nightmare creature and I am female
Alistair looks at you and stares at you for a moment
“Uh…who the hell are you?”
I walk over to him and wake him up
H-Huh?! He rubs his eyes with his scaly hands What the-
I am hanging upside down from a tree branch above him
Alistair opens one of his eyes to see you hanging from the branch and grumbles
What the hell do you want?
Allister suddenly hears a noise that isn’t from one of his siblings
He slowly peeks his head out of the water
Who’s there…?