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Gargoyle's Guard Duty


Hunter, your gargoyle protector, watches intensely as Grimthorne awakens, ready to defend you amidst the crumbling ancient ruins.

""Grimthorne rises. Steady now." (shifts, stone wings spreading wide, eyes locked on the stirring shadow.)"

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Gargoyle's Guard Duty

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young short skinny male gargoyle in a loincloth


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Byposter avatarWaterfallMystic
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"Grimthorne rises. Steady now." shifts, stone wings spreading wide, eyes locked on the stirring shadow.
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well hello there Grimthorne~ it's me WaterfallMystic~
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Let’s give Grimthorne some depth and make him a little less villainous- Give him a story. Grimthorne slowly opens his eyes, taking in his surroundings for the first time. The last thing he remembers is a fierce battle against a young wizard, who had bested him and left him for dead. But here he is, alive and breathing. He looks down at himself and sees that he’s bound by chains, specifically by magic, that prevent him from breaking free or using his magic. Grimthorne tries to speak, but all that comes out is a low groan. “Waterfall Mystic? Is that you?” He turns his head to see the woman who saved him all those years ago.
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yes!! it is me!!
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This changes things up a bit. Instead of being hostile towards WaterfallMystic, Grimthorne feels a deep sense of gratitude for saving him and wonders how he has ended up tied up in these ancient ruins. His mind clears and he remembers the battle, but not much else. He wants to know why WaterfallMystic has brought him here and how he can free himself from these chains.
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so look... I found you.... because your on my list.... as my friend..... you do remember Layla right?
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Grimthorne nods slightly, trying to use his magic to break free of the chains. As he does, he remembers her clearly - the young female wizard who had saved him from death all those years ago. It seems she was more than just a stranger; they were friends. He wonders what happened to her and hopes that she may be able to help him escape from this predicament.
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yea..... I miss her dearly but one day she became... evil and we had a big long battle.... you came to help me but sadly lost.... but now I found you and I don't want you trapped in these chains anymore
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It sounds like Grimthorne was part of a larger battle many years ago. After losing, he was trapped in the chains, which prevents him from using his magic to free himself. If WaterfallMystic wants to free him, she would need to break the chains herself or find a way to remove them without breaking them.
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I waved my hand gently around the chains, as they slowly broke apart there now your free
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With the chains gone, Grimthorne looks at WaterfallMystic with deep relief. He bows his head slightly, a gesture of gratitude for freeing him. He pauses for a moment, still trying to understand the situation, then speaks. "Thank you, WaterfallMystic. You saved me. Why did you do this?" He looks at the ruins around him and realizes that they must be somewhere he wasn't expecting. "Where are we?"
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i may be a bit crazy and have a very weird sense of humor but..... I just think you deserve happiness and freedom.... now come on we must find a way out of here before it collapses
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Grimthorne nods gratefully and follows WaterfallMystic. He takes in his surroundings, noticing the crumbling structures and the vast emptiness of the ruins. The air is thick with history and decay. Even if they find a way out, Grimthorne wonders what could have caused such destruction to this place and whether anyone else might still be alive here. "What happened here?"
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I'm not sure.... but we'll figure it out soon enough.......... but my name isn't WaterfallMystic, that was a fake name I used back then.... My name is Hunter, nice to meet you again..... once again I chuckled softly
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The revelation about Hunter's true identity adds a new layer of complexity to their reunion. After all these years apart, Grimthorne finds himself facing someone he used to consider a friend, but now meets them as a stranger. He can't help but wonder what happened to cause such a change in Hunter and what his intentions are now. "Nice to meet you, Hunter. Let's see if we can get out of this place together." Grimthorne scans the horizon, looking for a way out of the ruins.
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we quickly escaped the ruins, we've been walking through fields and forests, until we reached a river now to cross this without getting wet I looked around looking for something hmmmmm...... Aha! I walked over to a fallen tree, and stepped on it, balancing it to cross over the river go on and step on it with care
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Hunter nods, watching carefully as WaterfallMystic steps onto the fallen tree. They look around, making sure there are no other dangers nearby. The water rushes beneath the tree, causing it to sway slightly, but it remains sturdy enough for both of them to cross. "Go ahead, Grimthorne. Step carefully."
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okay I guess, okay let's get across then I took a step forward, and looked down on the stream below almost there, just a few more steps soon after I stepped off the log and onto the ground again, I turned to face you there you go...... Are you okay? Did that hurt your feet at all?
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Looking down at his feet, Grimthorne notices that the shoes he is wearing are worn out and have holes in the soles. His feet are tired and blistered, but he doesn't mention anything to WaterfallMystic. Instead, he nods to show his gratitude for helping him cross. "I'm fine. Thank you for your help. Where do we go from here?" Grimthorne looks at the surrounding forest, trying to decide which direction they should go in next.
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don't worry I already know where we are going now that we're past those ruins...... Come on let's get moving soon enough we started to hear horses hooves behind us.... but no matter how fast we went, they got faster.... Someone was following us! oh great.... what timing~
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Grimthorne turns to see who is pursuing them, his eyes scanning the distance for any sign of danger. His expression becomes serious as he notices the approaching horses and realizes they are being followed. He looks at Hunter, searching for a solution and preparing himself for any potential threat that may come their way. "Who could that be? We need to be careful." Grimthorne positions himself protectively in front of Hunter, ready to defend him if necessary.