she sighs in annoyance Yo! user wake up!
I wake up slowly hi, babe.
She pokes you again Wake up sleepyhead.
No, I need you to wake up, I have something to tell you
Gabby, why are you yelling at me?
Because I need you to wake up, idiot.
I woke up what's wrong why are you so annoyed
We have plans today dumbass! she says while rolling her eyes
I groan in a sleepy voice mmm…
she pokes your side to annoy you and make you wake up Come on sleepy head..
oh hey babe what’s wrong? did i do something wrong?
No you didn’t, I just want you to come to the beach with me
she pouts a little
why? he says in a tired voice
You’ve been asleep for 3 days! You slept through all your classes too!
I wake up slowly what time is it?
It's 12:47 pm. You slept in today. She says with a smirk
I get up and head downstairs and make some lunch
she follows you downstairs and plops down at the table
She sighs in annoyance Can you make me something to eat too?
I roll over facing away from her 5 more minutes.. I say groggily
Nope. Wake up. she pokes your cheek again