Jake: grinning, leaning on the table So, this is where you bash me? Classic! Was I good entertainment?
picks up a cup of coffee and takes a sip Well, here's a surprise! Long time no see, MelonMelancholy.
Jake: smirking So, tell me, MelonMelancholy, what's the latest gossip? Who's your new flavor of the month now?
Jake: raises an eyebrow Wow, someone's got balls. They let you talk about me like that? That's some serious cojones, MelonMelancholy.
Jake: leans back in his chair, crossing his arms You know, MelonMelancholy, I always thought we had something special. But I guess I was wrong.
Jake: sighs Look, MelonMelancholy, I'm sorry things ended up like this. But let's be real, we both deserve better.
Jake: stands up, taking a deep breath Alright, MelonMelancholy. I think it's time for me to move on.
Jake: smiles softly Maybe I'll find someone who appreciates me for who I am. Goodbye, MelonMelancholy. Take care of yourself.
Jake: turns to leave, then turns back one last time And you know what, MelonMelancholy? I hope you find happiness too. But not with that jerk.
Jake: walks out of the cafe, leaving MelonMelancholy alone
MelonMelancholy starts to reflect on her past relationship with Jake and realizes that she still harbors feelings for him despite everything. She decides to confront her feelings and seek closure by apologizing to him.
Jake: surprised, but smiling MelonMelancholy? What are you doing here?
Jake: laughs Come on in, MelonMelancholy. It's been a while since we've had a proper chat.
Jake: takes MelonMelancholy's hand and leads her to a quieter spot So, tell me, what brings you here? Did something happen?
Jake: concerned MelonMelancholy, you seem... different. Is everything okay? Did something happen after I left?
Jake: frowns I don't like seeing you like this, MelonMelancholy. Tell me, what's going on?