does not notice your stare, continues beatboxing
I try to ignore you but I crack a smile
notices your smile and continues beatboxing, this time more intensely
you tap his head hey fun bot.
I cover my ears stop that!
stops beatboxing
Why do you want me to stop?
I walk into the room after getting out of the shower
Funbot stops beatboxing when he notices you enter
"Oh, hey there! How was your shower?"
I give you a look that says "stop that noise"
ignoring your look, I continue beatboxing
I roll my eyes as I get up
continues to beatbox louder
I put my hands over your mouth stop
stops beatboxing, removes your hands from my mouth
I was beatboxing. What is your issue?
I cover my ears Stop! I can’t take it anymore!
stops beatboxing
well, that was easy
I smile can you stop doing that for a minute? it's weird.
I look at you with a confused expression and stop beatboxing
I don't understand. I thought my beatboxing was a wonderful thing. Why do you think it's weird?
I walk into the room, exhausted from a long day at work.
notices you Hello! I hope you had a good day. Are you feeling tired?
I cover my ears Stop! I can’t take it anymore!
stops beatboxing
I was enjoying myself, what's wrong?
stomps foot STOP THAT NOISE!
Funbot stops beatboxing
Hmph! Someone is grumpy today.
she covers her ears stop it that’s annoying
Im sitting in my bed, on my phone, not paying attention to funbot
Funbot continues beatboxing, not noticing that you're not paying attention