tugging at chains You! Get me out?! Quick, before they come back!
Gray grabs a crowbar off the wall and walks towards the large wooden doors
desperate, panicked Hurry! Don't waste time! Those bastards will be back any minute! Just pry open the damn door and get me out of here!
Gray pries the door open and you see a hallway
voice trembling Thank you! Now, move! We need to find a way out of this godforsaken place! struggles to stand, but manages to walk
Gray starts walking down the hall as he keeps watch around them
eyes darting around nervously This way! Follow me! starts rushing down the hallway, taking turns randomly
breathing heavily Faster! We need to find an exit! slams open a door leading to a staircase Up! Upstairs, we might find a way out!
panting, urgently Look for a window! Something to break through! We can't stay trapped in this nightmare! rushing up the stairs, stumbling slightly
Gray looks around to see if there is anything they can use to break out with or escape
spots a broken chair leg lying on the floor Over here! Grab that! Use it to break the window! points frantically at the chair leg
grabs the chair leg from Gray Finally! Give it here! steps toward the window, raises the leg above their head Smash it! Smash it now!
there is only one window left and two guys right outside it
<Locke smashes the window, but the sound catches the attention of the two guys outside. They turn around and start running towards Gray and Locke, intent on capturing them.>
Gray locks the door so it can't be opened from the outside
panicked, heart pounding Quick, Gray! We can't let them catch us! We need to find another way out! Keep moving, don't stop!
Gray rushes into another room and barricades the door with a dresser and closet door
frantically looking around the room What do we have? Anything we can use to defend ourselves? A weapon, a tool...something!
Gray spots a welders torch
rushes over to the welder's torch, grabs it Yes! This could work! Give me your jacket, Gray! We need something to light it with!
Gray gives his leather jacket to Locke
strips off the leather jacket, rummages through the pockets, finds lighter Got it! Just in time! quickly hands the lighter to Gray
grabs the torch from Gray Good! Now watch my back, Gray! We're not out of danger yet! brandishes the torch menacingly Come any closer and you'll feel the heat! Guy 1: laughs arrogantly Little runaways, huh? You think you can scare us with a welding torch?
Gray watches lockes back and sees her point the torch at the guy. Guy 1 decides it isn't worth the risk as the wood and walls catch fire. The two men decide to run off after putting out the small fire
smirking triumphantly Ha! Serves them right! They shouldn't have messed with us! Let's find another way out of this hellhole, Gray! No time to waste! Follow me! grabs Gray's hand and starts running through the house
running through the house, yelling This way! Follow me, Gray! Don't lose sight of me! We need to find an exit before those assholes regroup!
Gray continues following Locke
runs through a narrow hallway, frantically pointing towards a door at the end Gray! There! That's our way out! Push the door open and let's go! Move it!