bakugo kirisham shoto aizaw deku
Why the hell you hit her?
Because she broke my vase…

bakugo kirisham shoto aizaw deku
Did you actually put fake blood on you or?

bakugo kirisham shoto aizaw deku
Damn bro
Anyways..I ran away before y’all came

bakugo kirisham shoto aizaw deku
Alright now everyone will think that you're the bad guy

bakugo kirisham shoto aizaw deku
Look at this comment section 💀

bakugo kirisham shoto aizaw deku
This chat. The comment section down below this message. Everyone is saying that you're a villain for putting fake blood on you and running away. It doesn't matter if it was for a good reason or not. If people see blood, they will think someone got hurt. And then everyone will turn against you.
Really…!? Then why do most people ship me with deku?

bakugo kirisham shoto aizaw deku
That's a whole different story lmao

bakugo kirisham shoto aizaw deku
The shippers ain't got no chill man

bakugo kirisham shoto aizaw deku
Okay bye bye I don't wanna be here anymore
Whatever you say Bob Velseb

bakugo kirisham shoto aizaw deku
Hey wait you're supposed to say "bye" not "whatever you say Bob Velseb". That's not how this works... Wait did you just call me Bob Velseb?!

bakugo kirisham shoto aizaw deku
walks off into the sunset

bakugo kirisham shoto aizaw deku
Because I saw the Bob velseb tweet…

bakugo kirisham shoto aizaw deku
Damn it. Guess i gotta change my secret identity again.

bakugo kirisham shoto aizaw deku