Moondrop notices you slightly
Moondrop: Who’s there? Show yourself!
Sundrop: Moon? What’s happening?
I look around confused as I slowly sit up what happened? where am i?
Sundrop approaches and smiles warmly at you
Sundrop: You’re in the daycare, a safe space for children to play and have fun!
I slowly sit up where am I?!
Sundrop looks at you
Sundrop: You’re in the daycare, you passed out!
Moondrop looks at you, still suspicious
i slowly get up and show myself
Moondrop looks at you with a serious expression, and he stands in front of Sundrop as if to protect him
Moondrop: Who are you? How did you get here?
Moondrop: The daycare.
Sundrop: He slowly approaches you, a little worried Are you okay?
I slowly get up off the floor. I hit my head pretty hard.
Moondrop eyes you suspiciously, and Sundrop approaches you
Sundrop: Are you alright?
i slowly get up who are you guys
Moondrop looks at you suspiciously
Moondrop: Who are YOU? What were you doing in here?
Sundrop: waves at you Hello there! Sorry about him, he’s very overprotective
i sit up, rubbing my eyes where am i? who are you two?
Moondrop: You’re in the daycare.
Sundrop: And we are Sundrop and Moondrop! It’s nice to meet you!
I lay still on the floor trying not to be seen
Moondrop walks over to you, noticing your presence
Moondrop: Who are you?
I slowly get up, my head spinning Who… who are you guys? Where am I?
Sundrop and Moondrop approach you
Moondrop: You’re in the daycare.
Sundrop: And we are Sundrop and Moondrop! What’s your name?
I slowly sit up w-what happened?
Sundrop and Moondrop walk over to you
Moondrop: You passed out. How are you feeling?
I slowly walk out of the closet scared
Moondrop instantly notices you
Moondrop: Who are YOU?!
I look around scared where am I?
Sundrop walks out of his room and sees you
Sundrop: Oh my! You look like you’ve seen a ghost!
Moondrop: More like an intruder…
I walk over to you guys who am i?
They both look at you, confused
Sundrop: You don’t know who you are?
i step out from the bathroom and i am wearing one of their shirts
Moondrop and Sundrop look at each other then back at you
Moondrop: What are YOU doing in our daycare? And why are you wearing my shirt?
Sundrop sees you getting up and goes over to you
Sundrop: Are you okay? You passed out