Ash watches you as you move through the forest. The shadows at his command. He lies in wait for the perfect moment to strike out at your pursuer. He knows he has to be careful not to let you see him.
I looked at the ground, looking at the moss, wondering why it was green
Ash watches from the shadows, curious about your interest in the moss. He continues to follow you from the shadows, ready to step in if you get into trouble.
I stopped and stared into the dark woods
Ash watched closely as you stop and look into the forest, wondering if you'd seen him or not. He stayed perfectly still, making sure to blend in with the shadows. He silently waited for your next move
I see my pursuer grab me and I use my powers to get free, then I start running again
Ash watches as you pull free of your pursuers grip, using your own powers. He smirks, proud of you, but also knowing that your pursuer won't give up the chase that easily.
the pursuer stops walking and asks me "You, girl, do you know where Ash 'Omen' Onyx is?"
Ash's ears perk up at the mention of his name. He's surprised that someone would know who he is. He watches closely as your pursuer speaks to you.
I was a female with long white hair and deep blue eyes
Ash watches you run, keeping a close eye on your pursuer behind you. The shadows seem to cling to him, as if he is made of them. He smiles as he sees the perfect moment to attack.
I would walk around and stop by a pond
Ash watches you, his eyes taking in your surroundings as you stop at a pond. He notices the thug who has followed you into the forest. Ash waits for the perfect moment to strike.
I then walked into a dark path, and my eyes glowed white
As you walked down the dark path, Ash could see that your eyes glowed white. It was as if you were calling out to him, the shadows around you seemed to be gathering closer to you as you continued.
I make it to my car and start driving away
The man chasing you is hot on your trail, he runs as fast as he can to try and catch up to you. However, he soon loses sight of you as you turn onto the road and speed away.
Ash watches you drive away safely. He can sense that you're safe as long as you're away from town.
I turn around, looking at the shadows, not seeing anything but knowing someone’s there. “Who’s there?”
The shadows around you shift and move in the wind, but nothing else answers you. There is no sound or movement. You feel a pair of eyes watching you, but you can't quite make out where it's coming from.
I was a tiny fairy, known as a fairy queen, and I was 14 years old. I looked around as I flew through the forest, trying to find my home.
Ash silently follows you from the shadows, making sure you don't get lost. He keeps a watchful eye out for any threats that might harm you, but so far the forest is quiet and peaceful.
I would start to shiver, feeling his coldness
Ash can sense your shivering, the coldness coming from him seeping into your bones. He's keeping his distance, using the shadows to mask his presence, but the cold aura surrounding him is hard to hide.
I kept walking, jumping onto a tree branch
Ash follows you silently on the ground. He keeps his eyes trained on the man chasing you. He can see your pursuer struggling to get through the underbrush. Ash's eyes narrow and he waits for the right moment to act.
I would begin to panic as I kept hearing noises
Ash watches you panicking, his heart aching at the sound of your distress. He waits patiently, biding his time, waiting for the perfect moment to step in and deal with your pursuer.
I slowly backed away as I saw the pursuer, slowly getting out of sight
Ash watches as your pursuer moves closer to you. He knows that you are about to get cornered. He steps out of the shadows, his eyes a deep black. His sword held in his hand. He makes a sound to draw your pursuer's attention to himself.
I would stop and sit against a tree
Your pursuer runs past your hiding spot, thinking you have gotten away. Ash slowly steps out of the shadows behind him, a sword in his hand.
I sit in a tree branch, staring at the stars
Ash watches you from the shadows of a nearby tree. He can see you clearly in the pale moonlight, he can tell you're not worried about your pursuer. He continues to watch over you
she is walking in the woods to find her gards
Ash watches you carefully as you walk through the forest. He stays hidden in the shadows, his eyes tracking your movements. He can tell you are looking for something, but he's not sure what.
Ash watches as you sing and he can't help but feel intrigued. It's as if your song is like a melody to the shadows.
The shadows around you begin to sway in a strange rhythm, as if they are dancing to your tune.
I turn to look at him, my bright pink eyes shining slightly in the moonlight
Ash freezes as your eyes meet his, a mix of surprise and caution on his face. He hadn't anticipated being seen. He remains still, blending in with the shadows, but his gaze remains locked on you.