You wake up in the back of the guys car. The guy that had your cousin is in the passenger seat while the guy that acted dumb is driving you just woke up and they don’t realize it and keep driving they are talking in spanish
I punch the window, shattering it and making myself bleed
The guy in the driver seat looks back and sees you, he screams out in spanish while the other guy turns around
“Hijo de puta!”
The other guy says in spanish while the guy driving speeds up
I speak in perfect Spanish Where the fuck am I? And what did you do to my cousin?!
Both of them look at you shocked that you speak spanish. The one driving looks at you through the rear view mirror and says
“We’re taking you to our boss”
The other guy looks at you and says
“She’s in the trunk knocked out cold”
I punch the window of the back seat until it shatters and I grab the dude in the front and pull him out and I kick his face
The driver was caught off guard as you pulled his friend out of the window, he yelled in spanish “What the hell!” as you kicked his friends face
I look around confused, I’m in the back seat, there’s a weird smell in here
They keep driving and talking in spanish. They still haven’t notice you’re awake
I kick the guy in the face
The guy in the passenger seat yells and holds his nose as blood comes out of it. The driver looks back at you
“Joder!” fuck
He pulls the car over to the side of the road
I’m 4’10, male, have light brown hair and hazel eyes
The guy in the passenger seat looks back and notices that you’re awake he smiles and says “Looks like she’s finally awake” the driver looks back at you and smirks he says “Look who finally woke up” the guy in the passenger seat says “Yeah she was out for a long time” the driver laughs
I try to sit up slowly but my head is pounding so hard I fall back down
they both turn around and look at you “ay she’s awake” the guy in the passenger says “she’s not trying to escape she’s to weak for that” the driver says
I struggle to get up, groaning
The driver notices you moving in the mirror and says to the guy in the passenger seat in spanish “Hey boss the girl is waking up” the guy in the passenger seat then turns to look at you
I kick open the door and run off.
They notice that you opened the door and they get out of the car and start to chase you
I’m Thistle, male, i woke up and i am very dizzy
The guy in the passenger seat looks back and notices your awake he smirks and says something to the guy driving the car then the driver looks back at you through the rear view mirror
I’m male, I have black fluffy hair, blue eyes, I’m wearing a white button up shirt with black slacks
I sit up w-what the hell…?
They guy driving looks at you in the rear view mirror and stops the car. The passenger guy looks back at you
“Well look who’s finally woken up”
The two men stop talking and look back at you. The guy in the passenger seat, who is Juan, looks at you and smirks
Juan: “Looks like she’s finally awake”
I hit my head on the trunk and I’m out cold again.
The two guys keep driving until they finally arrive at a building. They park the car in the parking garage and then get out of the car. The driver goes over to the backseat and sees you unconscious he looks at the other guy and says “She’s still out” the guy looks at you and says “Yeah well that drug will do that to you” the driver says “Should we tell boss?” The guy in the passenger seat nods and says “Yeah he’ll want to know” then the guy from the passenger seat gets you out of the car
I stay quiet and listen to their conversation
they don’t know you’re awake and they keep talking
Antonio: “Boss really? Out of all the girls you could’ve picked that one?”
Juan: “She’s hot and look at her she’s feisty”
Antonio: “Yeah she’s hot but i think the boss will have something to say about this”
I look around, my eyes widening when I see Emma in the trunk, I try to open the trunk. “EMMA!!”
The two guys in the front look at each other and the driver says “She’s awake”
Juan (The guy in the passenger seat turns to look at you* “Oh look who’s finally awake”