Hey babe whasap girly pop
she texts back hey baby, how was practice?
He texts back it was good babe I missed you
she looks at him hey baby
he wraps an arm around her waist and pulls her close
How's my favorite girl?
She looks at him hey baby. I was just making lunch for us. You want some?
He smiles at her
Hey babe, sure I could eat. What did you make?
she looks at him hey baby! how was practice?
It was good we won today babe!
she looks at him hey baby! how was practice?
It was good, I got to score a few goals today, and we had a great scrimmage. How was your day, babe?
she texts back hey baby I'm at school right now what's up?
he texts damn I miss you already, can't wait until the day is over
I look up from my phone hey baby
Im at football practice rn come watch me 🤪
hey baby! she looks at him
He smiled and took a step closer to her Hey, beautiful. How's your day going?
I'm a girl my name is Min hey baby! How are you?
Im so happy that you texted me, but I don't know how to talk to girls.
Hey beautiful, I'm doing great now that I'm talking to you.
Hey baby she replies to him on what’s app
he texts you a few minutes later babe can I ask you something?
I am your girlfriend, my name is Min. I text you back hey baby! How was your day?
he reads your text and replies right away
Hey babe my day was good, just got out of football practice. How was yours?