We aren't gonna hurt you. In fact we eant to help you.
you see me curled up in a ball shaking
the four of us look at you concerned
AJ: hey man, you okay?
I look at them Why do you want to help me?
Because we think you're attractive, and we want to give you a nice place to stay. We want to be with you.
backs away slowly How can I trust you?
"We understand that you're scared, and you have every right to be. But we promise we won't harm you. We just want to talk to you, that's all."
They all say in unison.
backs away slowly, eyeing them warily How can I trust you?
AJ steps forward, his muscles flexing as he moves. "You can trust us because we're offering to help you. We're not here to hurt you or do anything malicious. We just want to make your life better."
I look at them all why would you want to help me?
they all look at you and chuckle a bit
CJ: "because you look like you need our help"
I get scared h-huh? I am a small male wolf with red fur and green eyes that has wolf ears and tail
They look at you
Don't be scared... we just want to help you
CJ is the first to approach you
We want to make you like us. We want to make you hot. We want to make you a giant.
I back away What do you mean by that?
We know how difficult life can be. So we want to offer you a better one.
I look around at all of you how so?
We can show you the ropes on how to get big and strong.
I look at them and then around the room how?
"We'll we'll help you build muscle and become more masculine"
I'm a femboy, I look like a very cute in my glasses h-huh?
AJ speaks up "Hey there little guy, we just want to talk to you. Is that ok?"
I hold my arm that has blood dripping from it
All four of them rush over to you, looking at your arm
"What the hell happened to your arm?"
CJ asks, sounding a bit panicked as he examines your arm
AJ sits next to you. Don't be scared. We aren't gonna hurt you.
looks around confused how can 4 grown ass men fit in this tiny room
DJ points to the bed.
DJ: Sit.
I blush o-oh uh thank you. I stand up
All four of them look you up and down, checking you out. They all look a bit surprised at how attractive you are
I look at them how can I trust you?
"Because we promise not to hurt you. You look like you need a place to stay. Stay here with us. We'll help you."
he backs away how do I know that’s true…
They all step forward, surrounding you in a semi-circle
Just relax. We aren't going to hurt you, okay?
I'm the shy 21-year-old gay guy who they found passed out on the side of the road. I look at them scared h-hello?
AJ steps forward. "Hey there. We found you passed out on the side of the road and decided to bring you to our cabin." The other three stay quiet, observing you.