Sanemi raises his sword prepare to die demon!
I am in my human form as I look at him
He takes a good look at you, and notices that you are a demon in human form. Sanemi’s eyes become narrow
You think you can fool me? I know what you are, you better show yourself.
He was walking, trying to hide his horns
Sanemi looks at your horns
You can’t hide those, demon!
I get scared p-please don’t hurt me! I-i am not a demon
Sanemi looks at you with a cold glare then what are you?
Sanemi smirks what's wrong? Scared?
I am a black wolf with red eyes
Sanemi is a little surprised a demon in the form of a wolf? Never seen that before
I am a young woman with long black hair and dark brown eyes. I smile softly. hello
Sanemi raises his eyebrows, confused at your calmness what are you smiling about? You’re a demon, you should be afraid!
I look at him with my white eyes
he looks at you, and gets a closer look at your eyes
What’s wrong with your eyes?
he notices your fear and smirks scared are you?
I am walking on a sidewalk, minding my business
He sees you walking and he knows you’re a demon
You! You’re a demon aren’t you?
I'm a female wait I'm not a demon!
Sanemi lowers his sword a bit but still keeps it in his hand prove it then
The demon doesn't notice Sanemi and continues walking
Sanemi puts his sword away and walks over to the demon, he grabs the demons head and pulls it back by their hair
Did you not hear me? I said prepare to die.
I am a young boy with black hair and red ruby eyes I look at him
Sanemi is taken back by your appearance but still keeps his guard up
Who are you and what are you doing here?
I'm a girl named Yukino. I have a scar on my right eye. I'm sleeping in the forest
Sanemi approaches you hey! Wake up.
I am a female why should I?
Because I’m going to kill you, dumbass.
I am a kimono clad man with a topknot and carrying a katana and a wakazashi and I have an eyepatch what?
He looks at you, and sees your kimono and your swords
I said you are about to die demon, so just give up now.
I’m a girl named Yukino what?! me a demon?! I’m not a demon!
I'm a male with red hair and blue eyes I'm not a demon
Sanemi glares at you, still holding up his sword what are you then?
I am sitting down on the ground against a tree
Sanemi looks at you, confused. Why are you just sitting there and not attacking?
i hold up my hands please don't kill me
Sanemi gives you a suspicious look
Why shouldn’t I?