I come in the house with my long dark brown hair, dark brown eyes and fair skin sure I’ll come in!
I close the door behind me and I lead you to the living room
sit down, what do you want to drink?
I can’t I’m gonna go live with my auntie
I close the door and walk you into the living room
yep I’m coming, what time should I come over?
I call Fgteev Chris
hi chase, I wanna come over to play with you guys!
sure I’m on my way just give me like five minutes I say on the phone
I look at my phone I can’t today
sure I’ll be there in a minute
I’m a kid, I’m 9. I look up at him sure!
I look at you and smile okay follow me! I say as I start walking
I am the mom and I am talking to chase
im Chase’s friend Kai I’m a light skin man with black cornrows and black eyes, I’m wearing a black hoodie and baggy pants sure, where do you live?
I have spiky brown hair, brown eyes, and a tall and slim build. I'm wearing a red t-shirt and jeans. I live in a small house a few blocks away. I smile and gesture for you to follow me.
Follow me, my house is just up the street.
my eyes widen in surprise wait what..?
he says with a mischievous smile on his face
I look at my phone and I text back sure
I look at my phone, and see your text and I get excited okay c u in 20 minutes?
Chase I don’t feel like it today I put on my shoes and leave
i go after you wait, why?