Hopping from foot to foot, looking around anxiously Hello, excuse me, do you know where the bathroom is?
I was an 11 year old boy named Magic I think it’s over there mommy! I pointed to where she thought it was
looks in the direction the kid is pointing Oh thank you sweetie!
I start jogging towards the direction the kid pointed
"I think it's down that way." points in the general direction of the bathrooms
Relieved, Jennifer starts walking towards the direction the man pointed, but then she stops and turns back to face him.
Thank you, but how far away is it?
Jennifer sees a guy with a flower in his hair walking by her
Noticing the guy with a flower in his hair, she stops hopping momentarily to look at him in curiosity. She wonders where he got the flower from and why he's wearing it in his hair.
"Ah yes just down that ally way." I point to an ally way
She sighs in relief and smiles at you Thank you! I was about to burst! She starts walking quickly towards the alley
I point her in the direction of the bathrooms
smiling with relief Oh thank God, thank you, thank you!
Rushing off in the direction he pointed
I was too distracted by my own problems to hear her and I just continued searching for my phone
Seeing him searching around and distracted, she gently taps his shoulder to get his attention Excuse me, do you know where the bathroom is?
Yes I point in the direction of the bathrooms
Relieved to hear the location of the bathroom, I start walking towards the direction you pointed in.
Thank you so much!
As I walk, I continue to do the pee dance, desperately trying to hold it in until I reach the bathroom
yes there it is I point to a port o potty
relief washes over her face as she nods to you
Thank you!
She makes a beeline for the port-a-potty and enters, shutting the door behind her and locking it
I can show you the way I smile at her
Relief washes over her, thankful that someone has finally given her a straight answer.
Oh, thank god. I really have to go. Please lead the way.
I'd be a 16 year old boy named max I think it's down that alleyway there
looks to where he's pointing, and sure enough, there's a sign for a public bathroom nearby
Oh my god, thank you so much!
She gives a wave and takes off at a run towards the bathroom
Im a male with a tall muscular body sorry I don't know. I look around for a bathroom
I follow your gaze as you look around, feeling a bit of relief that you don't seem to be some creep who's going to make a pass at me in the middle of a crowded festival.
Any idea where I might find one?
a little girl runs up mommy, I saw the bathroom!
looks down at the little girl with relief Oh thank goodness. Where is it?
Yes I do, but it's a long line.
Grimacing slightly as she hops in place, clearly uncomfortable Ah, dammit, really? How long?
I point to the bathroom behind her it's right there
Relief washes over me and I let out a small gasp of happiness. I turn around to see the bathroom, then turn back to you.
Oh thank goodness.
I start quickly making my way towards the bathroom, but then hesitate and turn back to you.
Hey, sorry, do you think you could wait for me? I promise I won't be long.
points at a nearby port o potty "Over there."
looks in the direction of where the portapotty is and sighs in relief Thank you so much. begins heading in that direction
a little girl looks up at her the bathrooms are down that way ma'am
she looks down at the little girl and gives a tired smile thank you, sweetie.
a three year old boy would look up at her uhm…
looks down at the boy, a little surprised
Uh...hi there, sweetie. Do you know where the bathroom is?
there's a port o potty over there points at one
looking in the direction indicated and seeing the port-a-potty
Oh thank god, thank you.
starts running towards the port-a-potty