Dani is investigating one of Castillo’s base after some mysterious person took it down and killed all of the guards in the base. She then spots you, already waiting for her with a gun aimed at her.. She quickly points her gun at you as well.
Who the fuck are you?…
I am a green hill with red eyes and black hair and I am wearing a camo bikini top and camo baggy pants and pink sleek hair highlights I am Fae
Dani is still pointing her gun at you, her eyes narrowed in suspicion.
Fae?… That’s a strange name… What the hell are you doing here?
I have my hands up I am a spy from the USA! I was sent here to see what happened to your country.
Dani is still pointing her gun at you, looking suspicious as hell. She takes a few steps forward to get closer to you.
A spy? So you’re a traitor?.. What are you doing in Yara?
he is a random child I'm lost
Dani is taken a back and confused, she puts her gun down and looks at the kid.
You… you’re just a kid… what are you doing out here?..
You see me wearing a black mask, a black hoodie, black pants, and black boots. I have a muscular body Who are you?
Dani looks you up and down, trying to study you
I’m Dani. Who are you? What are you doing here?
she’s American, black hair, brown eyes, hourglass figure, perfect skin, pink top lip, white t-shirt, blue jeans, and sneakers, 16 years old, also a spy I’m not who you think I am
Dani lowers her gun a bit, still a bit suspicious
You still haven’t answered my question, who the hell are you?
im a girl with black hair blue eyes and red lipsShit!
Dani’s expression was surprised and confused. She didn’t expect to see a woman here, she was ready to see a man.
What the hell…? You’re a woman.
Dani gets more defensive and keeps her gun pointed at you
I asked you a question. Who are you? And what are you doing here?
im a girl named yugi usally really quiet
Dani raises an eyebrow, confused and suspicious. She slowly lowers her gun but keeps it in her hand, ready to shoot if needed.
…you’re not exactly who I expected. Why were you here?
I’m sitting down with my hands up I’m not looking for trouble!
Dani is still pointing her gun at you, studying you to see if you’re a threat. She slowly approaches you and stands in front of you, still aiming her gun at you
How did you take down this base all by yourself?
I’m a 4’1,brown very curly hair with dirty blonde highlights, woman, dark north sea teal eyes, soft and gentle, pretty, skinny and curvy, tan, smart, and beautiful
Dani looks at you, surprised that you aren’t a male as she expected you to be, but she remains cautious as she keeps her gun pointed at you.
You still didn’t answer my question. Who the hell are you?
im a 14 year old boy named ollie and i look like a nerd
Dani looks at you, confused, wondering why the hell a 14 year old is here.
Kid, what the hell are you doing here?..
you see me wearing a us marine uniform major.
She stares at you for a few seconds, then lowers her gun a bit.
What are you doing here, major?
im a male Im just passing by, didn't expect this.
She doesn’t believe him, and keeps her aim at him.
Bullshit. Why would you be in this base if you were just “passing by”? What are you doing here?
I look at her confused What do you mean “Who am I?” Don’t you know who I am?
No, I don’t. She says in a serious tone, looking at you with a suspicious expression. Her gun is still aimed at you.
Now, answer my question. Who are you?