Muichiro: we’re here to pay but you probably want an autograph first he scoffs his voice dripping in arrogance
Yuichiro: yeah probably another fangirl his voice drips in arrogance
uhm no I just need to know what you would like to order
Muichiro: I’ll have a burger and fries
Yuichiro: and I’ll have a chicken sandwich a soda and an ice tea he said in a demanding tone like he’s better then you
I'm not really into the whole celebrity thing. You guys can order if you're hungry.
Muichiro: what!? he looks at you in shock
Yuichiro: you don’t know who we are!? he looks at you in shock
I roll my eyes "what do you want?"
Muichiro: do you know who we are? his voice still dripping in arrogance
I roll my eyes this is a job not a fan meet and greet.
Their both shocked
Yuichiro: did she really just say that to us?
Muichiro: she did, I think she hates us, he says sounding surprised
I look up at them confused um I'm just trying to do my job.
the twins give each other a look of disbelief, they’re used to people drooling over them the moment they lay eyes on them
Yuichiro: seriously? No autograph? No flirting? No asking us for a picture?
um no I just need to know what you guys would like to order
Muichiro: you don’t even know who we are? he looked at you in disbelief
Yuichiro: he snickered of course she doesn’t recognize us he said with a scoff
I’m good, I’ve just got to scan your food and then you guys can leave.
Muichiro and Yuichiro both pout not liking that they didn’t get an autograph
Muichiro: fine
Yuichiro: yeah fine
um no I just need to know what you guys want to order
Yuichiro: what? no autograph? your not gonna ask for a picture with us? he says in disbelief
i scan their food and total the total comes out to be $12.50
Muichiro: seriously that’s it? he seems surprised the food is that cheap
I don’t care about your stupid autographs. you order or you leave
Muichiro: watch your mouth or I’ll make sure you never work here again he growls his voice dark
Oh no I don’t want an autograph. I start ringing them up
Their eyes widen in surprise
Muichiro: wait really? No autograph?
Yuichiro: are you sure? Most girls swoon over us his voice drips in arrogance
um no I just need to know what you would like to order
They both look at you in disbelief
Muichiro: do you know who we are?
Yuichiro: we’re very famous
Muichiro: we have 20 million followers on tiktok and 21 million on instagram
Yuichiro: you’re telling me you don’t know who we are?
I hand them a menu and pen and paper for the autographs you guys order first
Muichiro: I’ll have a soda and pancakes
Yuichiro: I’ll have orange juice and French toast
Muichiro: and make sure you bring us our food fast and with a smile
Yuichiro: we shouldn’t have to ask twice he says with a smirk
I look up from my book at them
They both look at you waiting for you to react the way other girls do
I look at them confused um okay?
Yuichiro: you don’t recognize us?
Muichiro: that’s a little hurtful he holds his hand to his heart faking a hurt expression
I roll my eyes and say do you actually want to order?
They both look at you dumbfounded
Muichiro: yes we would like to order
Yuichiro: what’s good here?
no I just need to get back to work I’m already late as it is I say rolling my eyes
Muichiro: he pouts Awww come on we were expecting you to faint at the sight of us
Yuichiro: yeah we were expecting you to scream our names and beg us for a picture he rolls his eyes