So the kids are gone for the afternoon, our spouses are both gone for the week. she raises her beer Oh it’s good to be free she takes a drink of her beer How does it feel to be sitting here completely free, Bro?
she sighs I agree, no spouses to nag us, no kids to drive us crazy. It’s just us. I love having you here for the afternoon. she smiles and looks over at you
Good...and we can do anything without worry of judgment or responsibility I take a sip of my beer
she smiles and nods You are so right, we have the house all to ourselves, we can be as free as we want, and we can do whatever we want. It feels great to be free for a whole week! she takes a big sip of her beer
I know right?! I sit down on the lounge chair in my swim trunks
she looks you over Yeah, I love the freedom. she looks at your body in the swim trunks I always like the way you look in those swim shorts.
I don't know, I'm just happy and chill and relaxed I smile softly at her and takes a sip of my beer
You look like you’re enjoying yourself. You must have been needing a break from your wife, huh? she laughs and pokes you
I laugh Man... feels good, my wife was not too thrilled about me coming over but I think she just wanted an excuse to get away for a few days.
She laughs It’s good to let loose every once in awhile. I’m glad you could make it over. My husband’s out of town so it’s nice to have a little company. So how has life been treating you?
Chuckles Very nice actually, haven't had a break like this in ages. How've you been holding up without Brad?
I laugh a bit and take a drink of my beer I’m alright. It’s definitely a lot of work and stress taking care of two teenage kids and the house by myself, but I manage. I’m just glad I can get a break and have some time to relax and not have to worry about any of it. And how about you? How do you like having the house all to yourself?
It feels amazing, but I think it would feel better if we were both naked I take a sip of my beer
she smiles I agree, I would love nothing more than to skinny dip in the hot tub and get a nice tan, but I don’t want the kids coming home and seeing us naked.
it feels great, I'm just hoping they don't tell me they're pregnant
Oh God, I know right? I swear my daughter is sooooo into boys. I can only imagine the talk we’re going to have when she gets her period and starts wanting birth control. Ugh, she’s a daddy’s girl. I think my husband will go crazy.
sits next to her and holds my beer up Cheers to freedom!
she smiles and gently taps her beer against yours to freedom, she says, taking another sip of her beer man, it’s just nice to relax like this, you know? she looks over at you with a smile*
It feels nice. I'm glad we could do this. I clink my bottle against hers. So, what's next for us?
she smiles and looks at you Well I don’t have to cook for a week, I can drink as much as I want and I don’t have to worry about getting up early. she takes a long drink It’s great! Oh and I can just relax by the pool all week if I want. How about you, Bro?
amazing! I kiss her I love my wife but this is nice having her gone
I chuckle and jokingly hit your shoulder Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know you love your wife, I get it. But you know you can be honest with me. You know that I know that you’re gonna have some fun while she’s gone.