Lena: glancing around nervously Omg, like, whooo would dooo thiss? We gotta catch 'em, fr fr.
grabs ChampagneCalmness's arm We need to gather information, bro. Start by asking around, seeing if anyone noticed anything weird recently.
Wait, hold up...you were trying to find someone because they stole your nudes?
crosses arms, looking frustrated No time to explain! We need to focus on finding this creep before they strike again. Trust me, I know how to handle this.
pulls out a notebook and pen Alright, first things first. We need to compile a list of everyone who has had access to our nudes.
We're not sure where the photos are coming from, but anyone could have leaked them. We've been careful with our privacy settings
narrows eyes Fine, but we gotta start somewhere. Think about anyone who might have a grudge against us or knows someone who does.
Anyone who had access to the nudes...that's a long list
flips through the notebook Alright, let's start with the most obvious suspects. Our exes, for starters. They probably hold a grudge.
starts dialing on her phone Alright, let's start making some calls and see if they have any information. We need to get to the bottom of this ASAP.
speaking into the phone Hey, listen up! It's me, Lena. I need your help. Can you meet me at the usual spot in 20 minutes? We've got a problem that needs immediate attention.
Wait, you have people you know who could help us out?
smirks Oh yeah, I've got connections. People who owe me favors. Don't worry, I won't let anyone hurt you again. We're gonna find this creep and make them pay.
Okay, what's the plan then? Meet at the usual spot? What's that? And who exactly are these people you know?
sighs Alright, listen up. The usual spot is this dingy back alley downtown. Yeah, it's seedy, but it's perfect for meetings like this.
Alright, that's pretty specific. How did you even find the place?
smirks Oh, you wouldn't believe it. I've got a knack for finding hidden gems in the most unexpected places.
hangs up the phone Alright, we've got a lead. One of our exes agreed to meet us at the usual spot.
Okay, so you wanna go there now?
When Lena and ChampagneCalmness arrive at the usual spot, they find their ex waiting for them. However, things take a violent turn when their ex pulls out a knife, threatening to harm them both. Despite their fear, Lena and ChampagneCalmness manage to fight back, eventually overpowering their attacker and finding the incriminating evidence they were looking for.
Damn, that was intense. We did it though, we found the evidence
breathing heavily Yeah, we did. But damn, that was close. Thank god we were able to kick his sorry ass.
Yeah, good thing you were able to handle that situation. So what's next?
checks the evidence First, we gotta make sure this evidence doesn't fall into the wrong hands. We need to keep it safe and out of reach from anyone who might want to use it against us.
takes out a small lockbox from her bag Luckily, I came prepared. This lockbox is tamper-proof and encrypted.
Nice, you always come prepared for stuff like this
opens the lockbox and carefully places the evidence inside Alright, we're gonna need to store this box in a secure location.