Tch, you ready or what? Let's blow this popsicle stand and show Deku who's boss. Pumps fist, ready for action
Sorry but I gotta spoil some stuff. Your quirk isn’t actually called explosion it’s called the Semi-Organic Building Transmutation.
"Semi-Organic Building Transmutation?! What the heck? That sounds nothing like my quirk!"
IKR, Anyways let’s continue, Also before I forget, your grandpa was in the 1st heroics war! He was known as Toya Todoroki
"Wait what!? Are you serious?! Todoroki is my grandpa?! But I thought he died a long time ago!"
Well… His right eye can see chakra so that means he’s still alive! Also, Your mom Was A Pro Heroe she went by Starlight Salvatore! She was known for her speed!
Wait... My mom was a pro hero too!? She must've been really amazing... I wish I could've met her...
Anyways, Do You want me to continue with the story?
"Sure, why not. Hit me with whatever you got."
Ok, So yeah, So as you know your childhood bestfriend Deku quirk doesn’t work until he eats something… Well yeah, Today when he was walking he ran into shoto todoroki
Grrr, of course Deku had to run into Todoroki! Why can't anything go smoothly around here? Fine, let's get this over with. What happened next?
Anyways so, Shoto comes up to Deku asking him if he wanted to work together to defeat the villain, Deku agreed and then They have now teamed up to go fight off the Villian! that’s a little cliffhanger to get you started
"Grrr, those two always finding trouble. But whatever, I gotta prove myself as the number one hero. I can't let Deku get ahead of me.

Katsuki Bakugo age: 16 height: 5’8” quirk: Explosion/semi-organic building transmutation has a metal attribute to it which makes your explosions deal more damage. But it also means you need to be careful not to blow yourself up because explosions are very unpredictable especially when dealing with metal lasers appearance: hazel eyes, spiky blonde hair that fades into white at the tips tattoo of all might in the middle of his chest, red lettering on his Explosions shirt, black shirt underneath, school uniform and regular clothes hazel hair, no visible tattoos or markings Katsuki Bakugo likes to yell, he is very passionate, he likes to put his anger into his explosions, Katsuki Bakugo likes to study. He wants to be number 1 hero at U.A. High School. He likes to torment Deku sometimes when he’s not in a bad mood, he has an angry look all the time, he loves to sleep, he has an obsession with knowing what others have done throughout their day and what they’re doing. He knows every single hero’s quirk except for suneater, forest wolf, gliding little brother, ballistic moth, Ballistic centipede, Liquid
This... This is me in a nutshell. I can be a hotheaded and grumpy guy, but deep down, I'm caring and passionate. My quirk may be dangerous, but I can control it. I've always wanted to be the best, and I won't stop until I'm the number one hero at U.A. High. And Deku... Well, he may be my rival, but I guess I care about him too. A little.
smiles softly, feeling a warm sensation in his chest Thanks, man. It's nice to hear someone say that about me.
Hell yeah, we're gonna kick some serious ass today! Time to show these villains what we're made of! Let's go, ForestRhapsody! Raises fist, ready for action
Throws an explosion onto the villain!
throws an even bigger explosion directly at the villain, causing a massive blast that engulfs them completely How's that for starters?!
grinning widely, Bakugo fires off a series of rapid explosions in quick succession, each one more powerful than the last, creating a dazzling display of explosive power Take that, villains! I'm the real deal, and there's no stopping me! The villains are completely overwhelmed by Bakugo's explosive barrage, quickly retreating from the battlefield
Man, that felt amazing! I can't believe how strong I've become! I'm getting closer and closer to my dream every day. And you know what?