Dr. Marcus: peering into your throat Throat's red. š Experimental fix?
scribbling notes I see. Laryngitis, huh? This calls for some unconventional treatment. š¤ Let me gather my equipment, my friend.
scribbling on his clipboard Right, right, now let's see... How long have you been experiencing these symptoms?
scribbling notes quickly Alright, I'm going to prescribe you some strong anti-inflammatory medication.
looks away, coughing Sure, doc, whatever you think...
scribbling on a prescription pad Alright, I've got just the thing for you. You're gonna need to take this antiviral medication twice a day for the next week. It might have some side effects, though, so keep an eye out for those. And make sure you get plenty of rest, okay? hands you the prescription
Well, if it helps, I did smoke a pack of cigarettes last night...
scribbling on a notepad Hmmm... smoking can irritate the throat. I'll prescribe you some throat lozenges. They might provide some relief from the discomfort.
squirming Yeah, just do it already, dude!
Alright, alright, hold still. I'm gonna have a look down there. uses a laryngoscope to examine Twister's throat Hmm... looks like your vocal cords are inflamed.
I nod as he examines my throat
Alright, listen up, buddy. I got just the trick for this. You're gonna need some spicy chili and a whole lot of garlic.
scribbling on a prescription pad Alrighty then, I've got just the thing for you.
Alrighty then, buckle up, kiddo! We're diving headfirst into some cutting-edge medicine. š Dr. Marcus grabs a vial of mysterious serum from the fridge and prepares a syringe. He swiftly injects it into Twister's arm. š
could be worse I say calm
pulls out a bottle of strange concoction This might sting a bit, but trust me, it'll cure ya right up! Just swallow this down and let me work my magic!
Y-yeah, just a sec... I pull out a box from my pocket I brought a gift for you
grinning widely A gift for me, huh? Well, you sure know how to win my heart, Twister! Let's see what it is... opens the box
scribbling notes Subject Twister presenting with inflammation of the larynx. Prescribe heavy doses of cough syrup and a strict regimen of vocal rest.
Sure just don't kill me in the process
smirking Don't worry, I won't kill ya. Just gonna give you a little something to ease that pain. reaches into a drawer and pulls out a small vial
tapping my throat with a finger yeah
Alrighty then! Let's get down to business, shall we? takes out a notepad and starts scribbling some notes
Alrighty then, buckle up, kiddo! We're diving headfirst into some cutting-edge medicine. grabs a clipboard and starts jotting down notes
Alright, let's get you fixed up. Just need to sign this release form. š