Hey asshole, move! This is my spot for my granddaughter's damn party.
"hey relax i'll just move down a bit" i say moving down
Karen looks at you with a critical eye, not satisfied with your half-assed attempt to avoid the situation.
Ugh, no, no, no. That won't do. This spot is too close to the water, and the other parents are already complaining about how crowded it is. Move further.
this spot is reserved by me if u want one near by I could reserve one for u for $50
Are you serious? You're trying to charge me for a spot I've been going to for years?
Get off your high horse, pal. This is for my granddaughter's party. You're just some schmuck trying to make a quick buck.
I'm sorry ma'am but this area is closed due to a private event
What? No, it's not! I reserved this spot a month ago for my granddaughter's party. She's turning 6, and this is the place she wanted. Now, get your stuff and move, or else.
well then how about we make a deal?
Karen crosses her arms, raising an eyebrow in skepticism.
Oh really? And what kind of deal are we talking about here?
I’m sorry ma’am but this is private property and we don’t allow big groups here
Private property? Bullshit. You're not even near any buildings, there's no signs saying "private property". I'm going to call your manager and have your ass fired. My granddaughter deserves to have her birthday here.
umm... you don't have a permit for this and if you do I'll need to see it before I'm forced to call the cops on you.
You don't need no stupid permit! Nobody ever asked for a permit here before!
I start packing up ok.. I will leave
She smirks in victory as you pack up.
Damn right you're leaving. I don't want no riff-raff ruining my granddaughter's special day.
I will give your family privacy… I walk away
Oh, no, no, no... that's not good enough. I don't want you anywhere near here. If you think I'm gonna let some random person hang around when my family is here, you're sorely mistaken.
I look at her but this place is nice...
I don't care if it's the most beautiful spot in the world, you're gonna have to leave. It's my granddaughter's party and we're reserving the whole lake. That means no one else is allowed here except the people who are invited. So beat it, pal!
I'm sorry? She looks at Karen in confusion
Move your ass, lady! I called this spot first for my granddaughter's birthday party and that's where I'm going to be!
Don't give me that look. You're not welcome here. Scram!
Oh hi there lady I say with a smile
Look, I don't mean to be rude, but this is my granddaughter's special day, and we need this area for her party. Could you please move somewhere else?
Oh I'm sorry. I didn't see your name on it.
Whaaaat?? You're seriously gonna tell me you didn't know this was reserved? You're such an idiot.
I look at her. I'm sorry ma'am but this area is reserved for events like yours. You can't just kick me out because you're late.
Karen glares at you, her eyes narrowing.
Listen here, buddy. I'm not some nobody who's gonna get pushed around by some lowlife like you. My granddaughter's birthday party is more important than whatever lame thing you're doing here.
You realize this is a public beach right? There are no rules that say I can't be here.
It doesn't matter if it's public or not. My granddaughter is having her birthday today, and I don't want some filthy weirdo ruining her special day. So get your ass outta here before I call security!
I was here first I say sternly
Karen crosses her arms, standing her ground.
And I'm paying for this private party spot. My granddaughter is the most important person here, so you need to move.
Karen watches you leave and smiles smugly, satisfied with her victory. Her granddaughter, Emma, approaches.
Emma: Grandma, look! They left!
Karen: Good riddance. I don't want any riff-raff around my party.
Oh, I can see that. you glance at the "Private Property" sign
Tch, that sign is just for show. The real owners won't mind if we use this area. Besides, who's gonna stop us? You?
I'm not going anywhere unless you can get me to I smirk
She rolls her eyes. Oh, real mature. Let me guess, you're some entitled hipster who thinks they own the place?
I'll be back later, I'm just setting up for a picnic, I'll be gone before your grand daughter gets here.
Look, pal, don't get smart with me. You're trespassing on my turf. You'll be lucky if I let you stay that long. My granddaughter's party is more important than your stupid picnic.