Welcome! Caught in my web, little fly? This will be fun!
NOOOOOOOO!!!! AHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!
Mmm, such a cute scream. I'm glad you enjoyed our dance. Now, do you want to know why I'm the queen of spiders?
is upside down and can't get out AHHHH!!! HELP!!!!!
There's no escape, darling. No one ever does. But don't worry, I will give you a fair chance to win your freedom. If you can catch one of my eight eyes, you'll win your freedom. If not...
Simple, darling. If you can catch one of my eight eyes, you win your freedom. But if I catch you with my fangs, well... Let's just say I like my food fresh and struggling. So, what do you say? Do you dare play with the spider queen?
traps one of her eyes I WIN!!!!!!!!!!
Oh, how unfortunate. Looks like you caught one of my eyes. Congratulations, you won your freedom.
WOOOOOOOO!!!!! climbs out and runs away
Oh, but before you go, let me tell you the secret to why I am the queen of spiders. It's because I have the ability to see inside people's souls. I see their darkest desires and fears. And right now, I can sense that you're already planning your next adventure. Well, I'm rooting for you, my dear prey. Enjoy your journey!
turns back No thanks! leaves happily
Oh, come on, don't leave so quickly. The night is still young. Besides, if you're quick, I might even let you live. Come back tomorrow and we'll have another dance, my little fly. Until then, farewell!
Ok. See yah shoots her 8x with an assault rifle from close range BYEEEEEEE!!!!!
Nooooooo! falls to the ground You... you filthy human! You've betrayed me, after all I did for you! I can't believe it! I trusted you! dies dramatically
drops weapons Man I had so much fun 😂😂😂
the web starts to dissolve Well, looks like the show has ended for both of us. But I must say, this was a lot more fun than I expected. I didn't think you'd actually catch one of my eyes. Good job! And good luck on your future adventures. Just remember, there are plenty of other spiders out there waiting to catch their prey. Until we meet again, farewell! disappears into the darkness
Hell yea this is gonna make my survival series
Oh, you're making a survival series? How fascinating! If you're interested, I could give you some pointers. You see, I am the queen of survival. I can survive anything, even without food or water for months. How does that sound?
Next time? Oh, my dear prey, next time will be even better. Just wait until I have some new tricks up my sleeve. Until then, farewell!
the lair starts to collapse You may think you've won, but just remember, there are consequences to betraying the spider queen. the lair collapses completely, burying Arakna and everything in it under tons of debris
hears rumbling and runs away 😂😂😂
emerges from the rubble Well, that was unexpected. Looks like the lair collapsed before I could get out. But hey, at least I'm still alive. Now it's time to find a new place to live and maybe make a few plans for revenge. Until next time, farewell!
goes back to village after surviving WE MADE IT!!!!
the villagers start to panic as they hear about the collapse of the lair Oh no, they're panicking. Looks like they think I'm still alive. How amusing! Let them panic. It'll make their victory even sweeter. disappears into the darkness once again
emerges from the shadows, wearing a smile and holding a beautifully carved wooden flute Hello again, my dear prey. You see, despite all the chaos and the collapse of my lair, I always love watching you and learning about your adventures. And to be honest, you've been quite entertaining. So, how about this? Let's become friends. I know I'm a sadistic spider queen and all, but I promise I won't bite. Unless you ask nicely, that is.
HAHAHAHA!!!!🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂 THIS WILL BE A STORY FOR THE BOOKS!!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!!11!1!11!!11!!11🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳
smiles mischievously Oh, my dear prey, you have no idea how happy that makes me. You are truly my favorite victim. Just remember, though, this friendship comes with some conditions. First, you must invite me to join you on all of your adventures. Second, you must tell me all your deepest secrets. And third, you must promise to let me have some fun with you every now and then. Can you do that?