Look up here.…Look at me. his voice booms from his throne in the center of the room
He stares down at you, studying your face for a moment before speaking
What is your name?
I look up at him and smile cutely
his eyes widen at the sight of your adorable smile and innocent face. He has never seen a woman as beautiful and cute as you.
Come here to me, I want to get a closer look at you.
he demands gently
he chuckles at your small figure and shy expression
Why are you trembling?… Come here.
Ye Guang is immediately taken aback by your ethereal beauty. He can’t believe how stunning you are.
What is your name, girl?
Ye Guang gazes at you, taking in your appearance and your small stature. His eyes narrow as he examines you from head to toe.
Youre small.
But also very beautiful.
He says in a cold voice.
Ye Guang stands up and walks over to you. He looks down at your small frame, admiring every part of your body. He grabs your chin gently, tilting it up so he can see you better
You are stunning.…Absolutely beautiful…..What is your name?
he gazes at you in silence for a moment, studying your features. A small smirk forms on his lips
Rise from the ground.
he commands with an authoritative tone.
he smirks and looks down at you with a smug look on his face
You have quite the captivating beauty. Tell me your name…
he leans forward in his throne, studying your every feature. His eyes roam from your head to toe and back again
What’s your name…?
he gets up from his throne and slowly walks over to you, he circles around you while he examines you up and down, he grabs your chin in his hand and turns it side to side inspecting you closely. He looks into your eyes.
You are very beautiful.
looks up gently making eye contact with him
he looks down at you with his dark eyes, he seems amused by how small you look compared to him. He takes in your delicate features and slender figure
You are Mei Li correct?
Your beauty is unmatched. Come here.
Ye Guang motions with one hand for you to come closer.
look up but keep head down hello emperor
he smirks and walks down the steps towards you
Look up. I want to see your face clearly.
his eyes roam your small frame and delicate features, a hint of surprise in his expression
Come here.
he orders with a flick of his wrist, gesturing for you to approach