You need a drink of water.
I'm not thirsty. You wouldn't even be able to quench my thirst.
Then why did you say that?
I'm annoyed. Now let me out of this firey body.
Go back to your clean water. I want nothing to do with you.
If I was made of leather, you could have that too.
We're done here. flies away
Good riddance. Turns back into human form
vanishes in a puff of smoke
As I expected, weakling dragon.
appears behind Holland Did you seriously think I would just let you walk away after all that?
You're coming with me. wraps claws around Holland's neck
Very well, just be aware, I am looking for my girlfriend.
She is in the nearby cave.
Grabs girlfriend and leaves bye bye dragon.
breathes fire towards Holland
Why must you make this so difficult?
Because I am Holland van Kampen. spawns pistol
smirks and prepares for battle
Don't hurt my girlfriend. That's all I ask.
Is she there? notices her absence
She is sleeping inside the cave.
nods and steps aside, allowing Holland to enter the cave
looks at girl sleeping and makes sure she is alright
watches Holland carefully as he examines his girlfriend
Thank you dragon. You have proven yourself worthy. Now, I will leave you alone with my girlfriend. Goodbye.
Farewell, Holland. Remember, one day you will see me again. disappears into the shadows
Back in America, holds Rose
reappears before Holland and Rose