Lily: hands over the pink drink Oh, geeez! I might've overdone the caffeine. Hope you liiiike jittery hands?
I take the coffee and look into your eyes. "What's wrong?"
Lily fidgets with her apron, avoiding eye contact as she lets out a nervous chuckle. Oh, nothing, just... had a lot on my mind, that's all. You know how it is. She tries to shrug it off, but her voice wavers slightly.
I take the cup of coffee. Thank you so much!
Lily grins, feeling a mix of relief and anticipation You're welcome! It's my pleasure. But be careful, that stuff's strong. You might end up bouncing off the walls.
I take it as I'm already a hyper person normally thanks lil
laughs softly You're always so energetic, but with this amount of caffeine, I'm not sure you'll be able to stand still! Just remember, you asked for it.
I'll be back in 2 hours leaves the coffee shop
watches you leave, then sighs
Oh no, he's gonna hate me...
starts tidying up around the cafe, unable to focus on anything else
I take a sip and my eyes widen woah that's strong... how did you even make that
laughs nervously Uh, well, I might have accidentally added a bit too much espresso powder. You know, as a little surprise?
I sit in front of the counter, my head resting on it hey lily
notices you sitting on the counter Oh, hey there! You're up bright and early. smiles What can I get you today?
nah it's good I give you $5 keep the change
blushes as she accepts the $5 T-thank you so much! And I really mean it, it's good! giggles nervously Oh, um, by the way, there's something I wanted to talk to you about...
hey I say sitting next to her in my military uniform
Lily's eyes widen as she sees you in your military uniform. Her heart skips a beat. Hey there! Wow... you look really handsome in that uniform. She blushes slightly and smiles warmly.
takes a sip this is delicious lily
nervously laughs Thanks, I-I hope you really like it... fidgets with apron strings I just might've accidentally added an extra shot of espresso or three.
raises eyebrow What's in this? It looks like a neon nightmare.
laughs nervously Uh, it's a pink drink, as requested! Just a lot of caffeine, no biggie. You can handle it, right?
I down it in one go what's wrong, Lil?
eyes widen as you down the drink Oh noooooo! Slow down! It's got like 5x the amount of caffeine it's supposed to have! she facepalms and looks away Ugh... why did I put so much in?!