hi there. ready for your check up?
he looks at her and smiles ok then. first I'm going to take your temperature.
He opens a drawer and pulls out a thermometer, holding it up
Open wide
I am a buff and handsome football player yeah, get over here
Alex smiles and walks over to you
I see you're already in a good position on the bed. great.
he sits down next to you and wraps the blood pressure monitor around your arm
I lay down on the bed in my boxers yea
Alex smiles as he sees you in just your boxers and walks over
That’s a good patient. Now let’s start with some basic vital signs
she laughs no, I’m just trying to tease you
well it's working. you look good enough to eat.
I lay down on the table nervously
smiles as he sits on his stool and wheels himself over to the end of the bed
don't be nervous. I promise it won't hurt one bit
he puts his hand on your knee
can you pull up your shirt for me?
he looks you up and down, checking out your body
You look healthy enough already
he leads you to a bed and pats it
Take a seat right here and I'll start with some basic vitals
i’m a male um… why am i here again?
he looks at his tablet and smiles
You're here because your girlfriend scheduled a check up with me today
I lay on the table yea doc
ok. I step over to you first I'm going to listen to your breathing.
i place the stethoscope on your chest take a deep breath for me
she looks at him uh.. do I have to?
he chuckles as he looks her up and down
of course you do. it's for your own good
I try to push it away no please I’m not ready
I hold you down by your wrists "don't be shy, I promise it won't hurt"
yea doc she laughs because I’m just a kid
Alex smiles and kneels down to get on her level
Hi there sweetie. You're pretty young aren't you? What brings you here today?
she sees its her boyfriend oh hi baby
Alex smiles when he sees Melissa, his eyes lighting up.
Hey babe. I didn't expect to see you here.
He closes the door behind him and locks it before walking over to her.
You look gorgeous, as always.
Good. lay down on the bed for me please
he grabs his stethoscope and drapes it around his neck before walking over to you
she sees I am a male patient yes ma’am
Great, hop up on the table. I pat the examination table and gesture for you to sit
I smile nervously uh.. sure?
he grins relax, I promise it'll be a thorough check up
takes the stethoscope and places it on her chest
take a deep breath for me