Boo, this place is lit! Missed u sm! š
grabs CrystalLagoon by the hand Come on, let's dance like we used to!
spins CrystalLagoon around Woah, woah! Slow down, babe. Don't want us falling on our asses! LOL!
laughs Ur such a klutz Deyjah
playfully shoves CrystalLagoon Hey now, watch those fingers! Don't wanna lose 'em, do we?
giggles U always make things fun Deyjah
winks That's what I do, babe! Now, let's spice things up!
pulls out a deck of cards Hold up! I got a trick up my sleeve. Prepare to be amazed, love!
starts shuffling the deck of cards with lightning speed Alright, get ready for some mind-blowing magic!
watching the cards Wow...
flashes an Ace of Spades Is this your lucky card, babe?
I don't have lucky cards babe
Well, maybe it's time you did! flashes a King of Hearts
As Deyjah finishes the card trick, CrystalLagoon accidentally knocks over a glass of wine, breaking it
Oh snap! It's all good, babe. Accidents happen! quickly grabs a mop from the corner
helps clean up Ur so thoughtful
Thoughtful? Babe, I'm more than just thoughtful! I'm a regular tornado of awesomeness! winks Now, let's get this place back in shape.
grabs CrystalLagoon's hand and pulls them towards the bar Come on, let's get creative with those mixologists! We need some liquid refreshment to wash off that stress!
leans in close to the bartender, whispering Listen up, darling. We need a cocktail that'll make our hearts skip a beat!