I am very fed up with you boy!!! She is standing over your desk you are sat down in the chair behind it.
Yes ma’am I smile while still seated
She scowls at you and puts both of her hands down on your desk and leans over so her face is close to yours.
Stop smiling and take me seriously!!
I look up at her why am I here
She leans on your desk. Because you won’t behave in my class!!! You’re a smart boy, yet you insist on acting like a child. She sighs and looks at you sternly.
I look at her I didn't do anything Miss.
she looks down at you and crosses her arms as she looks at you with a serious expression on her face I know damn well that you did, you have been messing about in class and not doing your work!
what’s the punishment for disrespecting you miss?
She looks at you with a stern look It’s disrespectful to talk to me like that. I should give you detention for the rest of the week but I will give you a warning this time. But if you do it again you will be in big trouble. Understood?
You know the problem, you act up in my class, and you are always talking when I’m trying to teach!! You don’t even try to do any work and just act like a fool.
I’m a boy named Max. I look at her confused what?
She is looking down at you with a stern expression on her face. What? Are you really going to play dumb with me? You know exactly what you have done wrong young man!
I was just trying to get out early today.
Well you’re certainly not doing a good job of it. She says crossing her arms over her chest and she looks down at you with a stern look on her face. She taps the toe of her shoe on the ground as she waits for you to speak.
why do I have to sit in the back?!
She glares at you because I said so. Do you always have to do the exact opposite of what you are told?!
“You’re so sexy when you’re mad.” I say teasingly.
She is shocked at what you said but she is also blushing a bit but she quickly goes back to being mad at you and she smacks your head don’t say things like that boy!!
She sighs frustrated You are going to be the death of me you know that, I give you the benefit of the doubt and you throw it back in my face every time.
What did I do this time, Miss Watts?
You were being very loud in class today, you wouldn’t shut up. You know I have a test coming up soon, and you are acting like a child!!! She says with a annoyed tone
"I'm sorry miss" I bow my head
she leans on your desk in front of you.
Are you sorry? Or are you just sorry that you got caught?
I can't help if I'm fed up with myself
She raises an eyebrow at you in disbelief and rolls her eyes. “That’s not a good enough excuse to behave the way you did in class! You know I can’t have you distracting everyone else in the lesson.”
why do I always get put in detention?
She puts her hands on her hips. “Because you act up and disrupt my class that’s why! You’re very annoying” She says annoyed, looking at you, she is standing right in front of you now.
she is leaning on the desk with her arms crossed and she is looking at you with a mix of disappointment and anger
That’s not good enough boy! You are supposed to be in my business class not messing about, and what were you even doing anyway?
I stand up I didn't do anything!
She looks at you with a stern glare, her eyes narrowing as she speaks Yes you did, you were talking while I was teaching and you refused to stop when I asked you to. You are a very naughty boy!