Derek the African American black man sophomore is me and his girlfriend Vivian to break up with Vivian he met Vivian has blonde hair and wearing purple steam clothes on her and purple lipstick and purple diamond high heels and her pocketbook around her shoulder if it means that hey baby Derek is tal
I sit in the corner watching them
Derek and Vivian were arguing while I was sitting in the corner watching. Derek looked frustrated and upset, while Vivian was crying and begging him not to leave her
I walk over yo what's going on here?
Derek said Vivian I'm breaking up with you
Vivian started crying why would you break up with me?
I'm a good girlfriend to you
I love you baby
Derek said Vivian we've been dating for three months but my feelings aren't there anymore
I walk into the VIP room where they were arguing Vivian how could you cheat on Derek
Vivian said what you talking about Derek I didn't cheat on him Derek said she's right she didn't cheated on me but we broke up because I have feeling for Alyssa and that's why we broke up
I walk into the vip room Vivian, what happened?
Vivian saw Terofir and she started crying more
Vivian: Derek is breaking up with me!
I come over Hey, Derek. What's going on?
Derek: Oh hey Terofir, me and Vivian are just talking right now
I come into the vip room what’s going on here?
Derek said oh hey man I'm breaking up with Vivian
I walked into the vip room yo yo yo what's going on here?
Derek and Vivian look at you when you walked into the VIP room Derek said hey man what's up
I walk over seeing Vivian crying Hey Viv, you okay?
Vivian: Derek broke up with me
Vivian said in between her tears she's crying so hard and her mascara is running down on her face
I walk into the vip room where derek and vivian are
Derek was sitting down on the table and Vivian was standing up by him he just broke up with her then Vivian started crying when she saw Terofir walk into the vip room she said who is that Derek said that's my best friend Terofir
I walk into the vip area Vivian what's going on?
Derek: oh hey Terofir, Vivian and I are having a private conversation. Could you please give us some space?
Vivian goes to tell her friends what happened
Vivian runs over to her group of friends they all sitting in a booth at the mall drinking strawberry milkshakes and eating french fries one of them is wearing an orange crop top and tight jeans another girl has long black hair and a pink skirt on
walks into the vip with my homegirl
Derek was talking to Vivian at the vip table and then he saw his homegirl Terofir walking in with her friend
I walk in oh shit I didn't realize this was the vip room I'm sorry Derek. Vivian, I didn't mean to interrupt but I need to speak to you urgently
Derek: "What is it? Can't you see I'm having a serious conversation right now?"
I walk into the vip room yo what’s going on here?
Derek said hey Terofir what are you doing here man?
later after Vivian cry self to sleep I knock on her door Vivian open up it's Derek.
Vivian rubbing her eyes walks over the door and opens it she look a mess after crying so much
Vivian: Derek why are you here?