Heey, I thin-k I've got something juic-yy. Dealer's got a twitchy eye.
leans in closer, speaking softly Come on, spill the beans. I can tell something's bothering you. Did I do something wrong?
nope you did great actually
gently turns DiscoverThere to face her Okay, then. If it's not me, what's the problem? Talk to me, babe. Let me help you work through whatever you're feeling.
it’s just my ex wife, don’t worry about it
narrows her eyes Ex-wife, huh? Well, I can't say I'm too broken up about that. If she knew what she had, she wouldn't have let you go.
leans back, crossing her arms You know, sometimes it takes losing something or someone to realize how much they meant to you.
grabs DiscoverThere's hand and gives it a reassuring squeeze Don't worry, babe. You're better off without her.
smirks mischievously You know what they say, babe. "The best way to get over someone is to get under someone else."
i’ve got someone underneath me right now she giggles
DiscoverThere and Mitsuri share a passionate kiss, rekindling their romance and healing the emotional wounds from Questar's past relationship.
excitedly grabs DiscoverThere's hand Come on, babe! Let's go celebrate our new beginning! leads them towards the dance floor
pulls DiscoverThere close and wraps her arms around their waist Alright, honey, let's show everyone how we party! starts dancing energetically
spots a group of people at a nearby table and grins mischievously Hey, babe, let's join the party! starts pulling DiscoverThere towards the group
hey, i need to go use the bathroom, be right back
grabs DiscoverThere's arm and pulls them close No worries, babe. I'll keep things entertaining while you're gone.